Salaries and Perks of Each Military Rank in the United States

Published on January 16, 2023

O-1Es Make Between $4,260.60 and $5,289.90 a Month

O-1Es make a bit more than the O-1 officers, but it depends on how many years of experience they have. Typically, O-1s are right out of the academy, so O-1Es have a touch more time under their belts. To reach that status, they must have four years of service.

O 1Es Make Between $4,260.60 And $5,289.90 A Month

O 1Es Make Between $4,260.60 And $5,289.90 A Month

O-1s Make Between $3,385.80 and $4,260.60 a Month

While O-1s outrank the W-5s, they’re paid much less. That’s because they’re often young with little experience. They’ve typically just graduated from an ROTC or academy program. Still, it’s a decent sum, so they can’t complain! Here are some other perks of enlisting.

O 1s Make Between $3,385.80 And $4,260.60 A Month

O 1s Make Between $3,385.80 And $4,260.60 A Month