Troublesome Sub Activity from Russia
One of the reasons the US is focused on a better submarine is the troublesome activity that the Navy is seeing from Russia around US territory. It is the job of the US Armed Forces to stop anyone who gets too close.

Troublesome Sub Activity From Russia
Russian Submarines are Known for Being Pretty Great
One of the big reasons there are concerns is because the Russian subs are known for being some of the best, and most powerful, out there. Two of them, the Akula and Alfa nuclear attack subs were the kings of the ocean for many years. The new subs from Russia, the proposed Yasen class, are said to be even better.

Russian Submarines Are Known For Being Pretty Great
Yasen Class Submarines Have the Top Firepower and Stealth
There is reason to worry, as the US Navy believes that Yasen class submarines are supposed to have the latest stealth and firepower capabilities. These are specifically made to be multi-purpose.

Yasen Class Submarines Have The Top Firepower And Stealth
A New Class – 545 Laika
The latest model from Russia is the 545 Laika. It is an amazing example of what could be the best submarine in the world, and the Yasen class will certainly be better.

A New Class 545 Laika
Speed is a Must-Have
Most people believe that the Laika class of submarines has features that are better than any other sub, and could even have a maximum speed of around 32 mph. The Yasen class will certainly be faster, perhaps even up to 40 mph.

Speed Is A Must Have
Arm Capacity is Also Extremely Important
It is also extremely important for these submarines to be heavily armed. The Laika class can be equipped with eight missile silos, which are filled with anti-ship cruise missiles and KALIBR cruise missiles. It also can have up to 10 torpedos.

Arm Capacity Is Also Extremely Important
A New Weapon, Too
In addition to that, the Laika class also is thought to have a new weapon; the 3M22 Zircon Hypersonic. This is a cruise missile, which can strike land and sea targets with Mach 9 speed.

A New Weapon, Too
Biggest in the World
The Russians might have the biggest naval fleet in the world, and it is made of both conventional and nuclear subs. On top of this, they all have both ballistic and cruise missiles and several units have long-range nuclear weapons.

The Biggest In The World
The US Navy is Pretty Awesome, Too
Though the Russian Navy is strong and efficient, the US Navy is pretty deadly, too. With these new threats, the US Navy is continuously creating even stronger additions to its fleet, too, which can rival the Russians.

The US Navy Is Pretty Awesome, Too
How Much Time?
It is believed that the Russians will officially launch the Laika Class of submarines in 2023. So, the US Navy must work quickly to create something that can keep up with this.

How Much Time?
What is the US Planning?
The US Navy is working hard to create the best fast attach subs out there, and it is doing it with the SSN(X) program. These subs will have better speed than ever before as well as amazing stealth conditions when underwater.

What Is The US Planning?
Stealth Mode is Much Improved
Compared to other subs in the US Naval fleet, the SSN(X) is believed to be about 70 times stealthier than the current Los Angeles submarines. This is extremely impressive.

Stealth Mode Is Much Improved
The Top Priority Will Be Armaments
There is more than stealth, too. The SSN(X) class is also going to have more weapons, including the capacity to carry as many as 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles. How does this compare to older models in the US Navy?

The Top Priority Will Be Armaments
Similar to the Seawolf
This new submarine is certainly based on the Seawolf-class of US Naval submarines, as they look very similar. However, the new model will be much bigger, faster, and quieter. There is also a possibility that it will also rely on nuclear technology.
Improved Communications
In addition to this, we believe that the SSN(X) class will have the best networking capabilities. It can share communications with planes, other submarines, and ships, which allows them all to watch enemy vessels.
China and Russia Have UUVs
The two biggest threats to the US, Russia and China, both have “unscrewed undersea vehicles,” known as UUVs. These are made to swarm, and then attack submarines and carriers.

China And Russia Have UUVs
When to Expect the SSN(X)?
Though we know that the SSN(X) class of subs is coming, how long will it take? It is possible that it could take at least a decade from now before the SSN(X) subs will appear, and the Navy is believed to add two a year to its fleet.

When To Expect The SSN(X)?
Why the Wait?
With the Russian subs set to be ready well before the SSN(X) subs, isn’t there a sense of urgency? Yes, but the Navy wants to see what it’s up against. So, they must wait for the Russians to deploy their sub first.
How Much Will it Cost?
Though we can’t say for sure, the US Navy has released an estimate of how much it expects to spend on each of these submarines. The cost? At least $5.5 billion each. This is a huge amount of money, but wait until you see why.

How Much Will It Cost?
Largest Submarine Ever
The SSN(X) series would likely be the biggest submarine ever, and it needs a ton of features and arms that match the Russians. Older US Naval subs have a capacity of up to 9,100 tons, but these will be even bigger.

Largest Submarine Ever
Exceptional Power
A submarine of this size will require a lot of power to keep it going, so the engine must not only run on diesel/electric power but also nuclear power. This will require a lot of planning.
More Studies are Necessary
Right now, SSN (X) is only in the planning phase, and it will take several years before it can begin to get built. Though there is a budget proposed, this could easily change in the future.

More Studies Are Necessary
The Most Important Features
It is going to be very important that this submarine is speedy, stealthy, and able to survive attacks from other vessels. Plus, if the government is going to spend over $5 billion each, it would be a big loss if one was unable to survive.

The Most Important Features
Why Will SSN(X) Be the Best?
One of the main reasons that it’s likely the SSN(X) will be the best in the world is because of its planned enhanced transit speed while in stealth mode. In other words, current US Navy vessels, like the Virginia class, simply cannot keep up.

Why Will SSN(X) Be The Best?
Welcome the New
The US Navy will heavily rely on the info it has from older submarine classes, and it will remove outdated features, but add new ones. The latest technology will also be employed in these new submarines.

Welcome The New
What Else Should You Know?
Another thing you should know is that the SSBN-X Columbia class was previously known as the Ohio Replacement Submarine. Today, it’s a nuclear sub for the US Navy, and it will eventually be replaced by the new one. Other vessels will be decommissioned.

What Else Should You Know?
The Decommissioning Process
Beginning in 2027, all of these older subs will begin to be decommissioned, one per year. After this, the Columbia class will be the most common sub in the US Navy, and it is expected that there will be 12 new ones.

The Decommissioning Process
Care and Maintenance
When figuring out how many new subs the US Navy would have to buy, experts look at things like how maintenance schedules would be, how many missiles would be at sea, and if different designs might be a better option.

Care And Maintenance
New Additions
Before the Navy designs a new design, it considers options based on older models, like the Virginia-class and Ohio-class submarines. By looking at these options, it was decided that the new design that was chosen was the best.

New Additions
The Huge Costs
Each Columbia-class submarine is believed to cost over $4 billion to build, but to save money, they can use elements from the Virginia and Ohio classes. In total, all Columbia-class subs will cost the Navy approximately $347 billion.

The Huge Costs
A Huge Report
The Navy released a huge 300-page report in 2014 about the plan for the Ohio Replacement Program. There were 159 of them, and things like fluid systems, weapons, seawater systems, hatches, fluid systems, and doors were all a set length.
More Progress
In 2016, the Navy announced that General Dynamics Electric Boat was the prime contractor for the Columbia project. It had also built all of the Ohio-class subs.

More Progress
Hiring Staff to Build It
Electric Boat began to hire a team to build the new subs in 2016, and it hired approximately 3000 people during the design phase. As long as everything goes to plan, all of the new submarines should be complete by 2042.

Hiring Staff To Build It
Many Years of Service
The new Columbia submarines are expected to be in service until 2085. Even though these are still being developed, there are a number of impressive features that they feature.
Some of the Characteristics
The Ohio-class subs required refueling during their service life, but the Columbia-class submarines will be different. They will feature a nuclear fuel core that will power them for their entire service lives. They will have a beam of 42 feet and 16 missile launch tubes.

Some Of The Characteristics
The Design
We know about the design of these subs because the US Navy released a statement about it in 2017. These include new design elements including electric drive, x-shaped stern control surfaces, and sail-mounted dive planes.

The Design
Electric Drive?
Do you know what an electric drive is? It’s a type of propulsion system where the propeller of the vessel is turned by the use of an electric motor. Submarines with these elements may have a lower life cycle.

Electric Drive?
Reliability Issues
The current nuclear-powered subs in the US Navy feature turboelectric drives, but they had some reliability issues leading to lower power and a ton of maintenance. The French Navy has a similar issue.

Reliability Issues
Design and Manufacturing
Northrop Grumman was chosen to design and manufacture turbine-generator units in 2014, and they convert steam, or thermal energy, into a type of mechanical energy. This propels the electric system.

Design And Manufacturing
Different Electric Motors
A number of different electric motors are out there, and others are still being developed for both military and non-military purposes. Some options being considered by the US Navy in the future include magnet motors and high-temperature synchronous motors.

Different Electric Motors