Baby Elephant in Serious Danger Gets Help from the Unexpected

Published on December 3, 2019

Relying on Mom

Like children, the baby elephant was reliant on the herd to help him. At just a young age, he was similar to a small child. Even though animals often need to be much more self sufficient at a younger age, this baby needed his parents to figure out how to save him. On his own, there was nothing else he could do. Realistically, he would need to get out of this hole soon, or else he was sure to succumb to dehydration, or perhaps the attack of a larger enemy. None of the heard were safe at this point.


I Need My Mom

The Anguish

The herd continued to pace and bray all afternoon, and well into the evening. Clearly, it wasn’t doing anything, but these elephants were doing it to try and help the baby. Elephants are very compassionate, and they care deeply for their family members. In this case, the herd was actually demonstrating their feelings of sadness and anguish with their actions. They didn’t know how to help, but they did know how to grieve. Anyone who looked on would have felt heartbroken.


The Trumpet