Baby Elephant in Serious Danger Gets Help from the Unexpected

Published on December 3, 2019

Just Like Us

For those who don’t think that animals have any traits similar to our own, they couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, lots of different creatures have a great capacity for feeling different emotions, including sadness, stress, and grief. In this moment, it was clear that the elephants were feeling a fear similar to what a human would feel if their child was in danger. They immediately began to act worried and stressed, trying everything they could to help the baby.


An Animal’s Love

Killing Time

As the minutes turned into hours, the herd didn’t go anywhere. This was actually quite dangerous, since they were like sitting ducks to enemies who came out later in the day. The herd refused to budge though, staying around the hole and trying to find a solution. The baby elephant had been fighting to get out of the hole for quite some time now. He was becoming exhausted, thirsty, and hungry. It seemed as though he was starting to give up the fight.


Getting Tired