Wife Is Brought to Tears When Waitress Slips a Note to Her Husband

Published on August 17, 2020

Sharing Emotions

Jackie’s social media post said that this was the first time she had visited Fong’s Pizza restaurant. She had a fussy baby and nursed him for a bit in the booth. She then decided to leave the table, so her baby didn’t disrupt the entire restaurant. The waitress wrote on the receipt, and she was emotional and speechless. What came next, though?

Sharing Emotions

Sharing Emotions

What the Note Said

While Bodi wasn’t a mother herself and didn’t have those breastfeeding experiences, she was very upset when she saw strangers judging this woman for feeding her child in public. Bodi wrote a note on the bill saying she had paid for one of the pizzas and to thank Jackie for breastfeeding!

What The Note Said

What The Note Said