Photos From The 90’s That Will Cause You To Look At The Decade Differently

Published on October 12, 2020

Ryan Reynolds Holding A Puppy, 1996

Before Ryan Reynolds became one of the most successful actors in Hollywood, he was a struggling actor like many at the start of their careers. His first break came when he appeared on Nickelodeon show Fifteen. Though he didn’t earn a lot of money for the job, he said: “I remember we were paid 150 bucks per episode. And I still had a paper route so I would do my TV show and then I’d go home and do my paper route each day. For me, I thought I was, like, a gajillionaire. For $150 a day, it was like a dream come true.”

Ryan Reynolds Holding A Puppy, 1994

Ryan Reynolds Holding A Puppy, 1994

Teletubbies Behind The Scenes

BBC children’s series Teletubbies was filmed in Warwickshire, England but locals were not pleased about this fact. They actually protested against the show being filmed there. Show creator Anne Wood said: “I had to make my case to the planning authorities, wondering how, if they refused me, I’d explain to the BBC that I’d spend £150,000 digging a hole and might have to spend another £150,000 filling it in. I assured them it was a low-key children’s program and no one would be aware of the filming. But as soon as it was broadcast, we had photographers crawling across fields and hovering from helicopters.”

Teletubbies Behind The Scenes

Teletubbies Behind The Scenes