Photos From The 90’s That Will Cause You To Look At The Decade Differently

Published on October 12, 2020

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying An Iced Coffee, 1997

From early on in her career, Jennifer Lopez was ready to fight for what she believed her work was worth. She always challenged studios to pay her fairly, and was not afraid to draw comparisons to male co-stars’ pay. She said: “I think George Clooney’s getting $10 million for this movie. [Universal] thought they were going to get me cheap from the beginning, but I kept telling my agent, ‘No, no, no! Keep asking!’ When my agent called me saying, ‘What should we say to them?’ I said, ‘Say, who’s going to break their ass to promote this movie while George is on ER? Say, Anaconda is now over $100 million worldwide and why do you think girls between 18 and 25 went to see it more than any other action movies–because of Ice Cube?”

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying An Iced Coffee, 1997

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying An Iced Coffee, 1997

Young Matthew McConaughey

In 1999, Matthew McConaughey was arrested after being caught in possession of marijuana but resisting arrest while playing the bongos in the nude. In an interview, he was asked if he regretted his actions, to which he replied: “What’s wrong with beating on your drums in your birthday suit? I have no regrets about the way I got there. But what’s the lesson? Shut the window that has the beautiful scent of jasmine blowing in because it’s two in the morning and you might wake a neighbor.”

Young Matthew McConaughey

Young Matthew McConaughey