Things You Never Knew About Iceland, A Truly Unique Country

Published on November 30, 2022

Glacial Rivers

As mentioned, Iceland is home to many natural wonders, and that includes incredible glacial rivers that form from their massive and ancient glaciers. These networks of rive channels start our flowing at the glaciers and head into the sea. This helps distribute nutrients necessary for the ecosystem that is passed along the way. When the river’s flow goes down, sediment is left on the river bed, which leaves behind the characteristic black volcanic sand that causes the splits in the channels.

Glacier Rivers

Glacier Rivers

First Female President In The World

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir is an Icelandic politician who was the 4th president of Iceland from 1980 until 1996, making her the first democratically elected female president in the world. She served for 16 years, which means she is to this day the longest serving elected female head of state in any country as of now.

First Female President In The World

First Female President In The World