Things You Never Knew About Iceland, A Truly Unique Country

Published on November 30, 2022

Banned Dogs

Interestingly, between 1924 and 1984, dogs were banned from capital city Reykjavik. This is not because they were dog haters, but because there was a bad case of tapeworm that was circulating at the time, and it was discovered that dogs also carried tapeworms. Once the ban was finally lifted, residents of Reykjavik needed to obtain permits to get a dog.

Banned Dogs

Banned Dogs

Trees Planted On Graves

An example of Icelandic culture and folklore can be seen today in cemeteries. As seen in Hólavallagarður cemetery in Reykjavik, trees were planted on the graves in accordance with an old Norse tradition. This cemetery was once a Viking burial ground, and this tradition was continued in order to interconnect all of the generations of people buried here.

Trees Planted On Graves

Trees Planted On Graves