Things You Never Knew About Iceland, A Truly Unique Country

Published on November 30, 2022

No Mosquitos

Even though you can find more than 1300 types of insects in Iceland, you will not find mosquitos here. Since the temperatures are so low in the country, mosquitos cannot survive here. While no mosquitos is always great news, look out for midges, which are similar critters than also bite.

No Mosquitos

No Mosquitos

Hundreds Of Volcanos

Since Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, it sits directly on the tectonic plates between North America and Eurasia. These plates are always moving around, meaning spaces fill up with magma, which eventually cause volcanoes to erupt. With 130 volcanoes total in Iceland, 30 of which are active, this could be very concerning.

Hundreds Of Volcanos

Hundreds Of Volcanos