Incredible Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide You Never Knew

Published on November 24, 2020

Freshening Your Retainer

Anyone who wears a retainer knows that these can get quite nasty pretty quickly. A great solution for this problem this is hydrogen peroxide. Mixing baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and peppermint oil help to disinfect the retainer and give it a fresh and new feel.

Freshening Your Retainer

Freshening Your Retainer

Whitening Your Teeth

Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t just help to eliminate bad breath. The substance can also be used as a cost-effective method to whitening your teeth in the comfort of your own home. Many whitening toothpaste brands and gels contain hydrogen peroxide, so look out for those next time you’re buying toothpaste.

Detailed Image Of Young Man Smiling With Perfect White Teeth

Whitening Your Teeth