Incredible Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide You Never Knew

Published on November 24, 2020

Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

Anyone who uses makeup regularly knows that makeup brushes can be expensive, while cleaning these objects gets really tiresome. However, cleaning your makeup brushes with a solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half water makes it easier to clean. Clean your makeup brushes, people!

Pink Rouge On A Rich Make Up Brush

Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

A Replacement for Deodorant

Using hydrogen peroxide as a deodorant is a more natural way to prevent transpiration and odor. Wiping this solution over your armpits helps to kill the bacteria that create this odor. Using hydrogen peroxide isn’t just the cheaper option, it’s also better for your body.

Young Girl Wiping The Armpit With Wet Wipes

A Replacement for Deodorant