Baby Elephant in Serious Danger Gets Help from the Unexpected

Published on January 30, 2022

Roaming Free

India is home to a large number of the elephant population. Here, the elephants have lots of space to roam free. It is not uncommon for the locals to see elephants grazing in the distance. For a long time now, the residents of India and the elephants have learned to co-exist peacefully. For the most part, they share the territory fairly, and neither bothers the other. It is an unspoken agreement that has worked for a very long time.


Majestic Creatures

The Biggest Problem

While most of the local humans and elephants have been able to establish their boundries, there are still some occassional run-ins. Sadly, some elephants decide to go rampant, putting villages and locals in great danger. When an animal of this size is angry, you certainly don’t want to be in its way. Even though this elephant herd clearly needed help, there was no assuance that they wouldn’t attack or begin to trample the people that got too close.


The Dangers