Everything You Never Knew About The Amish And Their Culture

Published on October 20, 2022

Modest Clothing

Modest and plain clothing is the style of the Amish clothing. Men will usually wear solidly colored shirts, suits, and also wide brimmed hats. Women typically wear dresses in muted colors that are calf-length as well as bonnets and aprons. The bonnet’s color signifies the woman’s marital status. Clothes are sewn by hand, and the use of buttons varies from community to community. The Old Order Amish avoid buttons as they could attract unwanted attention, but New Order Amish do allow for buttons.

Modest Clothing

Modest Clothing

Their Roots

In the 18th century, many Amish immigrated to Pennsylvania because of the state’s lack of religious persecution, as well as attractive land offers. Between 1717 and 1750, about 500 Amish immigrated to North America, most of whom settled in Berks County. They later moved to Lancaster county following the French and Indian War. In the mid-19th century, another wave of Amish moved to Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and the southern part of Ontario. The immigrants that came later did not become part of the Old Order and were a bit more liberal.

Their Roots

Their Roots