Everything You Never Knew About The Amish And Their Culture

Published on October 20, 2022

No Pictures Or Paintings

While posing for photographs are not allowed, posing for any other representation of themselves is also not allowed, and that includes films or paintings. This is because it is seen as promoting vanity and individualism, which goes against the tenants of humility and community which are so important to the community.

In addition to not posing for a photograph, the same goes for any physical representation of themselves, which includes film and paintings. This is thought to promote individualism and vanity, which goes against the sense of community and humility.

No Pictures Or Paintings

No Pictures Or Paintings

Dating Life

At age 16, courting is allowed for Amish youth. They typically are allowed to socialize at frolics, sewing bees, weddings, and at the fortnight Sunday evening sing. Usually, on the day of the sing, a young man will wear a nice outfit and is allowed to socialize with young ladies after the sing at around 10pm. Then, the boy is allowed to take the girl home in the open top courting buggy.

Dating Life

Dating Life