Everything You Never Knew About The Amish And Their Culture

Published on October 20, 2022

Highly Exclusive

While many religions place a big emphasis on recruiting new members to their community, that is not the case with the Amish. They do not agree with evangelism and even make it quite challenging for outsider to join the community. A lot of people who are the biggest supporters of the community are not allowed to join the community themselves.

Highly Exclusive

Highly Exclusive

Non-Amish “English”

Those who are not members of the Amish community are called “English” by the members of the community. This isn’t meant o be derogatory, but is just a way to differentiate themselves from the outside world. A lot of members of the Amish community do trust their “English” members as contact points in the outside world in case of an emergency.

Non Amish English

Non Amish English