Everything You Never Knew About The Amish And Their Culture

Published on October 20, 2022

Frolic Barn Raising

Raising barns is a major event in the Amish community, as it is considered to be a frolic, which is a work event that combines a practical goal with socializing. Barn raising symbolizes the community’s values of emphasizing hard work and a strong community. It is a visual representation of mutual aid, which is very important in the Amish community.

Frolic Barn Raising

Frolic Barn Raising

High Retention Rate

Some might be surprised to learn that the retention rate in the Amish community is very high. It might be because the community places importance on family values and community support. Additionally, since baptism is optional, people don’t feel like they have to break out of an oppressive community. About 90% of the children born in the community decide to stay.

High Retention Rate

High Retention Rate