Everything You Never Knew About The Amish And Their Culture

Published on October 20, 2022

Fully Autonomous

While the Ordnung is a strict book of rules on daily life, it actually does differ between each district, since each Amish district is technically a different church. The diverse groups each have their own rules that dictate the proper way to live within each community, however, there are general rules that apply to a majority of the Amish districts.

Fully Autonomous

Fully Autonomous

What’s Rumspringa?

You might have heard of Rumspringa, which is the rites of passage for Amish adolescents that are between the age of 14 and 16. Many of the Amish communities are purposefully insular and keep away from any other communities, but Rumspringa gives them a chance to explore breaking the rules without punishment. Once the Rumspringa period is over, individuals are allowed to choose whether they want to become baptized or leave the community. Surprisingly, between 85-90% of members choose to become baptized and continue living in the community.

What's Rumspringa?

What’s Rumspringa?