Devastated Groom Finds Wild Way to Get Revenge on His Wife

Published on November 19, 2019
When it comes to marriage, most newlyweds assume that they’re going to be together forever. That’s because when people marry their partners, they are assuming that the specific person will always be there for them, and that they will be faithful for better or for worse. For one groom, he couldn’t wait to marry his fiancé. Yet, the news that he got moments before the big day forced him to rearrange the schedule of his wedding in a wild way.

A Crazy Tale

Perfect Couple

It was fate when a man and a woman first met. They could immediately tell that there were sparks between them, and it didn’t take long for the man to ask the woman out on their first date. Things started out really well for the couple; they loved spending time together and had all kinds of things in common. At the time, the man and woman assumed that they had found someone very special. They were partly correct about that.


The First Meeting

Getting Closer

As time went on, the man and woman spent more and more time together. It seemed like there was nothing that they couldn’t agree on, and soon they began to introduce each other to friends and family members. In the eyes of most people, the pair seemed to be the perfect fit for one another. It was a fun and exciting time for the happy couple! Of course, their relationship wouldn’t stop there. Things only got more serious as time went on.


Getting Serious

Moving In

Since everything was going so great for the couple, the man and woman eventually moved in together. It was a huge step for the couple, but it was one that seemed right at the time. Both individuals trusted the other, and they were keen to spend even more time together. In most aspects, it seemed like both of these people were happy and in love. After many late-night talks together, the pair agreed that the most important aspect of their relationship was trust.


Together Forever

The Next Step

Moving in together had been going well, and it wasn’t long before the man began to think about popping the big question to his partner. As far as he could tell, they were in an honest, loving relationship that they were both very happy to be a part of. He couldn’t help but to imagine his future with this woman and dream about being her husband. There was nothing holding him back, or telling him that something might be wrong. Everything felt perfect.


Ring Shopping

Not a Word

In a lot of cases, friends and family will often speak their mind if they think a loved one is making a mistake in a relationship. At this point, the groom had introduced his partner to all of his friends and family, and everyone had agreed that she seemed amazing. The groom even included his girlfriend in lots of trips and events with his friends, so they all got to know her very well. It was important to the man that his girlfriend got along with his friends, and luckily she did.


The Perfect Pair

Popping the Question

After getting advice from his best friends and some of his family, the man decided that he was going to as his partner to marry him. He planned out the perfect proposal for her; one that she would never expect. It was a very romantic moment, in which he shared all of his feelings for her and ask her to marry him. Naturally, since things had been going so well, she said yes! The pair were so excited, and they immediately began to share the news.


She Said Yes

Planning the Big Day

As soon as the news broke, the couple began to plan their special day. Of course, they wanted it to be perfect, so they spent all kinds of time talking about what they were imagining. Naturally, the girlfriend began to take the lead on the planning, using her organizational skills to get everything in order. For the most part, the couple was extremely excited. The groom knew that this was the woman he was going to be with forever.


Wedding Planning

A Few Days to Go

In the few days that were left before the wedding took place, the bride and groom were making sure to take care of any last tasks. Their friends and family were helping as much as they could, to ensure that the day went without a hitch. The bride and groom had pulled out all of the stops for this event; they spent a large chunk of money for all of the perfect details, so they couldn’t wait to see all of it together.


Final Touches

The Night Before

It was finally here: the night before the big day. The bride and groom had finally separated for the evening, and they weren’t going to see one another until they were at the altar. Everyone was very excited; you could feel the buzzing of energy in the air. While the bride spent time with her family and bridesmaids, the groom was off with his groomsmen. He was surrounded by his very best friends, so what could go wrong?


Boys Will Be Boys

The Graham Norton Show

In a strange way, the loving couple who was about to get married had no idea what they were truly in for. Sure, they had planned their special day to a T, but nothing was going to get as they imagined it. In a wild turn of events, a guest who attended their actual wedding saw the train wreck that ensued on that fateful day, and he was later given the opportunity to share what happened on national television show called the Graham Norton Show.


The Graham Norton Show

Being Chosen

The Graham Norton Show is an evening show hosted by a man of the same name. In most cases, he invites celebrities on, where he interviews them about their latest projects and life itself. At the end of the show, the man invites one person from the audience to come up and sit in his big, red chair. This is their time to shine; they can tell any story they want! If he doesn’t like the story, he flips the chair and sends them home with their tail between their legs.



Wedding Guest

One special day in particular, a regular man from the audience was invited to sit in the big, red chair. He happily sat down, brimming with excitement, and explained that he had a story that would make all other stories seem dull. Graham Norton was obviously intrigued, and asked the man to explain his wild tale. The man began, explaining that he had been invited to a wedding that he would never, ever forget in his entire lifetime.


Nothing Like It

Glued to the Screen

With Graham Norton, his audience, and viewers all around the world listening in, the man began to create a picture of the wedding day. He described the bride and groom and the excessive wedding day they had created, and explained that he was only a common friend of the two of them. He had actually thought about not going at first, but was so happy that he changed his mind at the last minute. This was going to be good.


A Good Choice

More Details

The man told everyone that his name was Sean McInerney, but that he wouldn’t divulge the names of the bride and groom. Naturally, they hadn’t told him that he could tell the story, but it was common knowledge that the man felt had to be told. The story was too good to keep to himself! As he got further into the details of the day, it was clear that Graham Norton and his audience were captivated. This story had to be heard.


Wild Wedding

The Wedding Day

It was finally wedding day. The groom was so excited to be marrying the love of his life, and nothing could get him down on this special day. It was only a few hours until he was going to be headed to the altar, so he took the time to enjoy the quality time with his groomsmen. Unfortunately, someone had other plans that day that were going to foil this groom’s good mood. In fact, they would change this man’s life forever.


Hanging Out

A Confession

In the hours before the wedding, the groom was approached by someone who had very harrowing news to share. The groom met with this person in private, and at first he was totally clueless as to what the conversation could be about! However, as the hours ticked closer to the wedding, the groom was going to learn something he’d never be able to forgive. The secret source who reached out to the groom had something to share about his bride-to-be.


Bad News

Terrible Details

The groom could hardly tell if what he was hearing was real. Was this a dream? Why was this person saying such horrible things? Allegedly, just before he was meant to say “I Do”, this groom-to-be was told that his wife had been unfaithful. And it wasn’t just one time; allegedly, it had happened several times during their relationship. It could have all been chalked up to someone telling lies, but more than one person confronted the groom that day.



So Many Stories

After hearing just one person tell the man that his partner had been unfaithful, he wasn’t sure what to think. Was it true? Would she really do this to him? What was he supposed to do? The man had all kinds of emotions running through his body. One moment he was enraged, and the next he was heartbroken. All he wanted to do was assume that it was all lies, and go forward to marry the woman of his dreams. Unfortunately, more stories were exposed that day.


Horrible Stories


In a horrific turn of events, not only did multiple people warn the man about his cheating wife, but they also produced evidence. They explained that they knew he might not believe them if they didn’t show him concrete evidence of her adultery, so they showed him what they had. They could tell from the groom’s reaction that this had solidified everything as the truth. The man was a ticking time bomb. He was angry at these people for talking badly about his fiancé, but he was also angry they hadn’t mentioned it sooner.



Being Realistic

It’s hard to imagine the emotions going on for someone who is about to get married, let alone someone who had just been told their fiancé has been unfaithful. After presenting the man with their proof, the various sources left him alone to be with his thoughts. Of course, there was no way for the man to deny that what he had seen was indeed his very own partner being unfaithful to him. He was crushed, and he was angry. What would he do?


Impossible to Ignore


The strongest emotion the man felt was foolishness. He couldn’t understand how his partner had managed to do these things without him ever knowing. He was also hurt that she had never been honest about her actions. How could she possibly walk down the aisle knowing what she had done to him? How could she say her vows and promise to be true, when in her mind she knew she’d probably cheat again? The man felt his temperature rising …how could she?


Questioning Everything

What to Do

The groom-to-be didn’t know what to do. He felt so betrayed and so hurt, but he was supposed to marry this woman in a couple of hours! Who was this woman anyways? Now that he knew what she had been doing behind his back, he felt like he didn’t even know her anymore. How was he going to watch her walk down the aisle and marry her, knowing that she had been unfaithful all of this time? It seemed like an impossible task.


Having Doubts

No Forgiveness

The groom had to think carefully about how he was going to proceed. Should he trust that she was past her horrible ways and marry her anyway? Should he call her and demand that she come clean? Even if she apologized for her cheating ways, the man knew he could never forgive her for what she’d done. Sadly, he knew that there was no way he could actually be with this woman anymore. There was no way he’d ever truly forgive her.


Facing the Truth

Next Steps

Thinking only about himself now, the man began to come up with a response to this mess. Now that he had accepted what had happened to him, he was more angry than anything else. He wasn’t about to let his partner throw him around like garbage and treat him so badly. He didn’t want to marry her, but he certainly wanted everyone to know what she had done to him. There was no way he was going to let her get away with this.


Coming Up With a Plan

An Idea

The man had heard about horror stories like this in the past, but he never imagined that it would happen to him. He thought about all of the ways other people had responded to adultery, and considered doing the same things. However, he finally got an idea that made him feel almost a tiny bit better. It was a plan that would force his fiancée to face the music in front of all of their friends and family.


The Plan

<next plan>

Going in Alone

You might be wondering why the groom wasn’t consulting any of his groomsmen about this whole thing. Well, the answer is simple. It turns out that some of the men his wife had cheated with were actually his groomsmen! These were men he had known his whole life, and now even they were becoming strangers before his very eyes. It was more than just losing his partner—he was going to be losing his best friends.


Losing Friends

Worth It

In his mind, the groom-to-be wasn’t going to change his mind. Even though these men had been in his life forever, they obviously didn’t care about him. If they really cared, they would have come to him the moment his girlfriend tried to make a move on them. Instead, they went along with it and never told him. He shuddered at the thought of all the people who would have been lying right to his face on his wedding day.


All Lies

To the Chapel

Knowing that all of these people had been lying to him for so long made his blood boil. The man grabbed his car keys and headed to the venue, where everything was now ready for the ceremony. The first thing he did was head into the dining area, where he knew that everyone would be seated later on in the day. He had a wild idea in his head, and this was going to be pulled off perfectly.


Making Moves

The Show Begins

As guests began to arrive at the venue, the groom began to get nervous. Soon he was going to face the woman who had been lying and cheating on him, and he didn’t know if he would be able to keep it all together. However, he thought about how she had likely lied right to his face on numerous occasions, and this allowed him to compose himself. He was going to make sure this all ended on his terms.



Here Comes the Bride

The groom stood at the altar, sifting through the faces in the crowd and landing on each of the ones he had seen with his fiancé. Of course, they all looked chipper as could be! None of them had any idea that he finally knew their vial secret. Even some of the men standing next to him were on his list, and he could hardly keep himself from lashing out at them. Finally, the music began, and the bride arrived at the end of the altar. This was it.


And So It Begins


The groom stood at the altar with his bride-to-be, struggling internally with an array of emotions. Of course, she looked beautiful, and she looked so happy. He didn’t understand why she had ever agreed to marry him if she clearly wasn’t happy? Why would she bother going through all of this if she was still planning on seeing other people? Every word she said in the vow made the groom sick to his stomach. He knew every word was a lie.


So Sad

Something Off

Even though she may not have said it, the bride was certainly sensing that something was wrong. However, in her mind, her groom had no idea about what she had done; otherwise, he wouldn’t be there at the altar! Finally, the ceremony closed, and the bride and groom kissed. That was it! They were finally married. The bride clearly thought that she was home-free, and that her husband had no idea of her sneaky actions.


Something Wrong


The bride and her groom exchanged pleasantries with all of their guests, before heading off to take some photos. There was most certainly something going on with her husband, but perhaps he was just nervous or anxious about his speech. Finally, it was time for speeches. The pair returned to the venue and sat down at the front of the room. Everyone looked onward, excited to hear some speeches and eat a good meal before a long night of dancing and celebrating.



Kind Words

Of course, everyone who stood up before the guests had something wonderful to say about the bride and groom. Between parents, siblings, and friends, there were all kinds of funny stories to be told and lovely dedications to be had. It seemed like everything was going well, until it was time for the bride and groom to say their speeches. The groom had other plans at this point. He told his wife to stay seated, because he had something special planned.


His Moment

His Speech

Even though the bride and groom normally spoke together, it was clear that the men had changed his mind. The bride had no idea what was going on. Apparently, he was going to be performing an impromptu speech, which the bride had no idea about. Although they hadn’t talked about it beforehand, she assumed that this was just a sweet gesture that she would enjoy. She had no idea what was coming. Her entire world was about to fall apart, just like his.


A Worried Bride

A Fun Game

The groom was finally living in the moment he had been waiting for. He had only learned this morning about his wife’s cheating ways, but it felt like days up until this moment. He was so happy to finally be doing this; exposing his wife for what she had done to him for so many years. He welcomed everyone to the wedding, and told the guests that they were going to play a fun game.


All Fun and Games

Red Dot

He explained that before the food was put on the plates, he wanted everyone to stand up. Slowly, people began to play along, standing up as they were told. Then, he asked everyone to take a look under their plates. He went on to say that if the person’s plate had a red dot on the bottom of it, then they were to remain standing. If the plate didn’t have a red dot on it, then they were to sit back down.


The Worst Find


Slowly but surely, people began to check their plates for a red dot underneath. Guests from all over the room began sitting down, totally confused about how this was a game. Most people assumed that if the plate had a red dot on it, then that meant that they had won a prize! Unfortunately, this wasn’t going to be the case at all. That red dot was actually a very, very bad thing to see.


Strange Game

Specific Guests

As almost everyone in the dining room sat down, there remained a handful of people who were still standing—seven or eight, in fact. At the time, most of the people in the room saw no connection to any of these people, other than the fact that they were all young men. Had anyone been looking at the face of the bride, they would have all seen that she had a look of horror that the groom was thoroughly enjoying.


Standing Up

Perfect Plan

As you can imagine, this was exactly what the groom had been doing in the hours before the wedding began. He had made his way to the dining room, and sought out the plate of every man his wife had cheated on him with. Then, he put a red dot on the bottom of their plates, to make sure they all stood when told to. Now, the men looked to the groom, confused as to what was going on. However, they were all sweating a little bit.


Not a Good Look

The Details

The groom didn’t know all of the details that pertained to his wife’s infidelity. He couldn’t be sure if all of these men knew that they had all been with her, or if they all assumed they were the only ones. It was completely unclear when she was with each of them, and what she had told them at the time. Regardless, they were all about to find out what they had in common. The groom cleared his throat, and continued on.


Time to Shine

Total Shock

The groom looked disheveled. Clearly he was upset, but he continued to smile. He told the guests that he had a confession to make. He explained that he had just recently found out that during their time being engaged, each of the men standing before them had been part of an affair with his wife. Naturally, everyone in the entire room gasped. The room was dead silent; people sat with their mouths wide open.


Complete Shock

Not a Word

The groom made sure to look right into the eyes of his wife as he told the story. She didn’t say a single word the entire time; she only cried and looked absolutely horrified. The men themselves remained standing, unsure of what to do and completely ashamed. No one moved a muscle; it was clear that the groom was running this show. He stated that he was going to annul the marriage that day, as soon as he left. There was no way he was staying with a cheating woman.


Nowhere to Run

No Denial

What hurt the groom the most, was the fact that the bride didn’t have a single word to say. A small part of him had hoped that she would deny the entire thing, and prove that it was all a mistake. And yet, she could only sit there and stare at him wearing a sad, apologetic expression. It was too much for the man to bear. She had confirmed that it was all true without saying a word. The groom dropped the microphone and walked out.



It Felt Good

As sad as all of his guests looked, the groom didn’t feel bad at all. He had almost married a cheating woman! No one in that room had ever stopped to warn him! He looked around, wondering just how many people actually knew about this and had never said anything. He glared at his friends, making it known that this was probably the last time they would ever speak. The groom felt good, seeing his wife exposed for her terrible choices.



Open Wounds

Naturally, the groom knew that he was going to go through some seriously tough days in the future. He was still pretty numb from first hearing the news, and now he had lashed out in the only way that made sense to him. Yet, as he thought about how it would feel to try and heal from this horrible mess, he knew that exposing this woman would make the process a little easier. Everyone would now know why he had done what he’d done.


The Right Thing To Do


The groom had said all he wanted to say, and he had made his point. There was no more reason for him to stay there, and he left. The room was full of guests, whom the bride couldn’t offer any explanation to. She had done everything he had said, so she couldn’t deny it. People began to reach for the beverages on the table, unsure of what they should do next. Some people began to leave, appalled at the entire situation.




Back at the Graham Norton Show, Sean was finishing up his wild story. Graham Norton and his audience all sat with their mouths wide open. Had that been a real story? If it was, they were in complete awe. It was clear that Sean was not going to experience the chair flip, because this had been one of the best stories the show had ever heard! He told the entire thing through smiles, unable to hold back on how hilarious and awkward the entire thing was.


An Entertaining Story

Not the Same

Obviously, not everyone who was attending the wedding had seen the events as being funny. In fact, the close friends and family members of the bride and groom were all very hurt and saddened by the truth. After years of bonding together, these two families clearly weren’t going to end up joining anymore. For random guests like Sean though, it was just a wild story to share on national television. Sean hadn’t even considered that people from the wedding might recognize the story.



Re-Living the Moment

Of course, one could only hope that the bride and groom weren’t watching the story unfold on the Graham Norton Show. Obviously, the woman had made those choices, but there was no way it would feel good to be reminded of the mistakes she’d made on television. To make matters worse, the man was laughing, which probably would have upset both the previous partners a lot. If they had any healed wounds, it was likely that this would have re-opened them.


Still Fresh

The Response

Of course, the Graham Norton Show gets millions of views every night, which meant that there was a really good chance someone from that wedding had been watching. The story got so popular after that night that people began taking to Twitter, sharing their thoughts on the story and how they thought the guest handled it. There were all kinds of mixed responses, but clearly they were all making the story a trending one.


Taking to Twitter

Showing Support

In some cases, people were happy that the man had shared the tale. In most cases, it’s men who are blamed for being adulterous; however, women do it too! There were lots of men who were supportive of the story, saying that it was proof that it’s not always the man who has been unfaithful. In many cases, the woman is the one who is straying, and rarely do those stories make it out into the world. It was an interesting response to a shocking story.


Not Always the Groom


The worst part of the whole story was just how many men ended up standing with red dots under their plates. The woman had been spending time with eight different men other than her husband! It seems almost impossible to fathom how she had time to see that many people without her partner finding out. We can only imagine how shocked her groom was to find out that the number was that high. We hope these men, along with the bride, have learned a valuable lesson.


Lesson Learned

Wasting His Time

Sadly, this groom seemed like a dedicated man who was ready to be faithful to his partner for the rest of their days. Unfortunately, she clearly took advantage of how kind he was, and cheated behind his back. Although this story is pretty sad and shocking, we’re happy that the groom decided that he was better than all of that. He deserves someone who will appreciate him! Had he married her, there’s a good chance she could have cheated again!


Deserving Better

Thoughtful People

It’s interesting that the people who reached out to the groom on his wedding day did so at the very last minute. It’s as though they had known for a while, but they couldn’t get themselves to confess what they knew until it was literally the last minute. Naturally, why would you want someone to marry a person whose been lying to them the whole time? The groom was very thankful that they reached out, even if it was strange timing.


Last Minute Saviour

What Was the Point

At the end of the day, we can’t figure out what the point was of getting married. Obviously, the groom wasn’t enough for the woman, so why would she want to marry him? Perhaps she was seeking something safe and constant, while she was still able to sneak around and see other people? We’ll never know for sure. What we do know, is that she likely isn’t going to be in a new relationship anytime soon.



Ending the Night

Once the groom walked out of the room, no one knew what to do. Sure, they were keen to have some drinks, but would they still get dinner? Should they leave, or stay and party anyways? Should they return their gifts? There is so much that goes into a wedding, and now it was all for nothing! All of the money that was spent was basically going down the drain. If you were a guest at this party, what would you have done?


Partying Anyway

Re-Telling the Story  

A lot of people found the wedding horror story hilarious, including a popular YouTube star by the name of Jason Gunn. He heard the story himself, and he loved it so much that he asked Sean to come on his show and tell it again. Jason was sure to ask all of the detailed questions that people wanted to know about, although some of the details Sean couldn’t answer. It seemed like people were loving this wild experience.


YouTube Star

An Odd Thing

Even though Sean was getting all the attention for the story, people felt badly for the groom. It was his story, after all! Did he even want people to know about it? The story is definitely cringe-worthy, and we hope that the groom was able to recover from his heartbreak. We also hope this bride learned her lesson, and treats her next partner with more respect! You never know when your story is going to end up trending on Twitter!


Moving Forward