Amazing Photographs Captured By Hidden Trail Cams

Published on November 30, 2020
Trail cams are an essential part of hunting, as the footage provides insight that can be valuable to tracking animal activity, especially at night. Trail cams can detect movement nearby and then record that activity. Things get especially interesting at night. These trail cam photos that were captured by total chance show us a whole new side of animals’ lives in nature, sometimes to hilarious effect.

Barrel Head

This poor deer found himself in an awkward situation with a barrel stuck in between his antlers. He must have been poking around trying to figure out what it was when it got stuck on his head. Hopefully he got it off quickly!


Barrel Head

A Natural Halo

Having antlers seem like it is no walk in the park. It seems like it is pretty common for things to get stuck in between them! This poor buck got some tumbleweeds stuck on his head, but funnily enough it ended up looking rather artistic in the end. He’s definitely Coachella ready.

A Natural Halo

A Natural Halo


A Bear Emerges

Imagine minding your own business while out in the woods when suddenly this bear emerges out of nowhere. That would be pretty terrifying, wouldn’t it? We wonder what this fuzzy bear was up to, as he looks like he is on a mission.

A Bear Emerges

A Bear Emerges


A Group of Deer

When you think of deer, you typical don’t associate them with the rest of the ferocious animals out there in the wild. But we have to say that this picture is still pretty intimidating, after all, that’s a lot lot of pairs of eyes staring at you from a dark forest.

A Group of Deer

A Group of Deer


A Hungry Otter

This is one of those incredible moments of animals in their natural habitats that is being captured by a trail cam. Many animals choose to hunt at night, lulling their prey into a false sense of security and making it harder to see the predators under cover of night.

A Hungry Otter

A Hungry Otter


Owl Strike

Seeing owls is not so common, and the fact that this photo was captured is absolutely incredible. Not only has the trail cam managed to capture an owl, but one that it right about to attack this unsuspecting deer. Although we feel bad for the deer, this really is amazing to see.

Owl Strike

Owl Strike


Eagle Fight

Here we see an incredible moment where an eagle is charging at another eagle, the two are locked in a gripping fight. The other birds around them better get away as soon as they can, as eagles are quite powerful and capable of serious damage.

Eagle Fight

Eagle Fight


Flying Squirrel

Here we see yet another amazing photo captured at the perfect moment. This flying squirrel is about to land right on top of this deer who has no idea that he is about to get hit. It’s amazing that the trail cam captured this moment that would otherwise be unseen by humans.

Flying Squirrel

Flying Squirrel


What The Heck?

While the deer in the background could not be bothered to look up from the grass they’re grazing, this raccoon is quite mesmerized by the camera. He even looks so started to see the flash! If only we could know what he was thinking while this was taken.

What The Heck?

What The Heck?


Found Him

This fox was chasing this raccoon, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the raccoon seemed to disappear. The fox circle around until he found this seemingly abandoned car. Not long after that, he found the raccoon’s hiding spot and the chase resumed.

Found Him

Found Him


Raccoon Party

We all know this feeling all too well. Maybe we’ve eaten too much at Thanksgiving, or we’ve had a bit too much to drink on Saturday night. Whatever it is, it looks like these raccoons have enjoyed themselves a little too much and are now trying to recover.

Raccoon Party

Raccoon Party


Hungry Babies

What an incredible moment captured by the trail cam. Here we see a mother fox feeding her baby fox kits. The litter is eagerly awaiting to be fed, and you can see that many of them are pushing their siblings away, impatiently waiting for their turn. Her face is also absolutely priceless.

Hungry Babies

Hungry Babies


Hitching A Ride

Buffaloes are great because they frequently provide other animals with rides around landscapes. They could almost be called the Ubers of the animals. Here you can see how a cat has taken the opportunity to get a ride from this buffalo and conserve its energy.

Hitching A Ride

Hitching A Ride


Coyote Vs. Deer

Although there are two deer versus one coyote in this scene, we’re still worried that they coyote may be able to overpower the deer. You can see from the coyote’s face just how ferocious it is, and we’re really concerned about what happened right after this photo was taken.

Coyote Vs. Deer

Coyote Vs. Deer


Camera In The Face

Although trail cams usually go unnoticed by the animals in the environment, sometimes they do manage to glimpse the cameras. Oftentimes when they do, the animals will take a closer look in order to investigate. This bird decided to get up close and personal with the camera, to hilarious effect.

Camera In The Face

Camera In The Face


Muddy Tiger

This trail cam photo managed to capture an incredible moment in a tiger’s life. Here we see him completely covered in mud, which means he must have been wading through a muddy area. He might have done this to cool down from the hot sun or just to get from one side of an area to another.

Muddy Tiger

Muddy Tiger


Give Me A Ride

Buffaloes are not the only Uber drivers of the animal kingdom. Feral hogs also offer this service, as we can see this raccoon has hitched a ride on this hog’s back. The hog really does not seem to mind helping out at all. We wonder if he would be willing to pick up that second raccoon as well.

Give Me A Ride

Give Me A Ride


Midnight Meal

This trail cam has seemed to interrupt this deer family’s midnight feast time. Perhaps the camera’s flash alerted them to its presence, since they all seem to have their gaze fixed at the direction of the camera.

Midnight Meal

Midnight Meal


Escape Artist

Once again we see a coyote in pursuit of a prey, this time the coyote is chasing a raccoon. However, it looks like the raccoon is outsmarting the coyote bu scuttling up the tree. He’s making it look easy, and we’re almost positive he managed to escape.

Escape Artists

Escape Artist


Battle Ground

Here we see a raccoon and a deer locked in one another’s grips in a fight to the death. The two are duking it out in front of an automatic feeder, so we wonder if the fight took place because of the food. Who do you think won this round?

Battle Ground

Battle Ground


Creepy Clown

This is perhaps one of the most terrifying images that could be found on a trail cam. We think we prefer seeing the most ferocious animal in the world rather than this creepy clown staring at us terrifyingly. What on earth was this guy doing alone in the woods anyway?

Creepy Clown

Creepy Clown


Poor Bunny

This is one of the more heartbreaking images that has been captured by the trail cam. Unfortunately, this tiny bunny rabbit has no idea that there is a giant lion lurking, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on its unsuspecting prey. It’s very sad, but it is the circle of life.

Poor Bunny

Poor Bunny


Deer In Love

This is seriously one of the sweetest pictures that the trail cam has captured in the wild. These two deer are being adorable together and we’re glad the trail cam has captured this loving moment as opposed to just moments of hunter-prey.

Deer In Love

Deer In Love


Bird Battle

This photo has captured a Matrix-style battle moment between these two birds of prey. The bird of the left is amazingly balancing on one foot, looking like he’s ready to charge at his opponent, who in the meantime is bracing for a hit and looking like he’s fully ready to attack.

Bird Battle

Bird Battle


Boar Vs. Raccoon

While we saw a wild boar giving a raccoon a friendly ride, this is not the case between these two animals. This boar is too hungry to be doing any favors, and seems to have the raccoon in its clutches. Maybe the raccoon was able ot pull off some incredible escape at the last second, but he looks pretty defeated to us.

Boar Vs. Raccoon

Boar Vs. Raccoon


What Are You?

This is adorable little guy seems to have noticed the trail cam when its flash went off. What is unclear is just what kind of animal this guy is. Is he a wolverine that’s standing up? Is he an especially furry otter? Is he a teeny tiny bear? We may never know.

What Are You?

What Are You?


Midnight Snack

This bear was seriously hungry when he stumbled upon this Santa Clause figurine. Thinking that this was an animal, the bear started to munch on the Santa, only to realize that this thing he has found is really not very tasty at all. This bear can expect to see his name on Santa’s naughty list this year.

Midnight Snack

Midnight Snack


Moose Terror

This image captured by the trail cam is quite a frightening one. While we don’t usually associate fear with moose, this one seems rather intimidating, not to mention the fact that his antlers look like they’re covered in blood. It doesn’t help that he looks a little bit possessed as well.

Moose Terror

Moose Terror


Make It Rain

This is one of those moments where it’s hard to believe that the trail cam has captured an incredible sight on camera. This raccoon is the group’s hero, as he has climbed onto a bird feeder and has released a shower of seeds down to the ground where his hungry friends are scrambling to get some snacks.

Make It Rain

Make It Rain


A Crazy Deer

This is seriously one of the most hilarious moments that has been captured on the trail cam. This deer is awkwardly falling over, while his friends have not even noticed that he has deviated from them. In fact, his friend is actually looking in the opposite direction.

A Crazy Deer

A Crazy Deer


Fear The Flying Squirrel

Here we see yet another flying squirrel making its way towards a deer that has tried to steal its apples. The deer has caught onto the squirrel, and it has begun to make its speedy escape. Amazingly, this moment was captured right in the nick of time for us to see.

Fear The Flying Squirrel

Fear The Flying Squirrel


Cat Close Up

This cat seemed to noticed the trail cam and has come up close to investigate. We can see the incredible details of the animal’s fur’s patterns. While this cat is certainly majestic, we can’t forget that in one second, it can turn from adorable to absolutely ferocious.

Cat Close Up

Cat Close Up


The Battle of the Porcupines

This is yet another incredible shot of animals locked in a fight that has been captured by a trail cam. Here are two porcupines clashing, looking ready to tear each other apart. Their hair that’s standing up straight reminds us of WWE fighters locked in a fight.

The Battle Of The Porcupines

The Battle Of The Porcupines


Midnight Delight

While trail cams frequently capture moments of battle between animals, in this case, the trail cam has captured quite the opposite. This incredible moment has been captured. We wonder if the trail cam later managed to capture photos of fawns running around.

Midnight Delight

Midnight Delight


You Can’t Catch Me!

This adorable deer has spotted the trail cam, and like many other other animals decided to go over an investigate what it has just seen. While he might be trying to lick the camera, it certainly looks like he’s sticking out his tongue defiantly at the camera.

You Can't Catch Me!

You Can’t Catch Me!


Butting Heads

Sometimes fights between animals take place between members of the same species. Here we can see two deer in the middle of butting heads (or antlers), and we’re sure this whole things started over some sort of food item. They’re probably brothers fighting over a snack, and that’s pretty relatable.

Butting Heads

Butting Heads


Rough Fight

One thing that the trail cam has really proved is that animal fights are just as gruesome and rough as any WWE match. Here we see a buck and hunting dog in the middle of a fight, and it looks like the buck is sporting some serious bite injuries. We wonder who ended up winning this round.

Rough Fight

Rough Fight


A Girl Surrounded by Deer

This honestly looks like a poster for some indie horror film, and we really want to know what this little girl was doing out in the woods amongst these deer. We really hope that she has some sort of adult supervision and that she’s not just lost out here on her own.

A Girl Surrounded By Deer

A Girl Surrounded By Deer


Strike A Pose

Every once in a while, you’ll see the magnificent moment when a four legged animal will stand up on its hind legs and balance just on two legs. This moment was caught on the trail cam, and it looks like this deer is ready for a fashion shoot.

Strike A Pose

Strike A Pose


Deer Selfie

This deer is totally ready for life in the 21st century, as he’s already got the whole silly tongue-out selfie thing down. He must have noticed the trail cam and come over to investigate, and the camera snapped this photo just at the right time. How adorable!

Deer Selfie

Deer Selfie


Coyote Call

It’s clear to see where the expression “howl at the moon” came from. This must have been an extra clear night with full view of the moon, as these coyotes are seriously calling out up into the sky. It’s amazing that this photo was taken by the trail cam.

Coyote Call

Coyote Call


King Cat

Cats are truly the royalty of the animal kingdom. Even if they’re not the largest or scariest animals around, they certainly have the haughtiness to make up for lack of size. This cat absolutely does not care that these deer are around, he’s barely giving them the time of day.

King Cat

King Cat


Helpful Mama

This mama bear is an amazing parent to her little cub. It’s clear that her cub wanted to reach whatever can be found in the middle of this tree, but he is too small to reach it. She helpfully picked him up to that he could fully investigate. So cute.

Helpful Mama

Helpful Mama


What Is This Thing?

These wolves were literally stopped in their tracks when they saw the trail cam in the middle of the woods. The leader of the pack decided to take a closer look, and while he was investigating, this photo was snapped. He looks a bit startled, but we still wouldn’t want to mess with this guy.

What Is This Thing?

What Is This Thing?


Caught Red Handed

This hungry bear spent a good amount of time looking for some lunch. He stood by the creek trying to catch his food when he was finally able to snatch this fresh fish. We all know there’s nothing quite like freshly caught fish, and this bear looks super excited to start eating.

Caught Red Handed

Caught Red Handed


Deer Stacks

Perhaps this was an extra chilly evening on which these deer decided to huddle together and stay warm. Either that or there are going to be some serious paternity questions in a few months time.

Deer Stacks

Deer Stacks


Cat Coyote Fight

The trail cam amazingly captured this fight between a cat and a coyote, with the coyote bearing his teeth in a snarl and crouching down, ready to pounce at any moment. The cat is standing his ground, not looking intimidated in the slightest despite the imposing figure in front of him.

Cat Coyote Fight

Cat Coyote Fight


Deer Party

This poor guy is clearly drunk out of his mind. It’s not clear how he ended up in the forest at night, but it does seem like he has no idea that there’s an animal grazing literally right behind him. We hope he found his way home.

Deer Party

Deer Party


Dog Vs. Buck

Typically you don’t see a domesticated animal fighting out in the woods, but this dog must live with his family close by. He managed to escape out into the dark one night and was not afraid to start a fight with the buck that he encountered. Hopefully no significant damage was done to either one.

Dog Vs. Buck

Dog Vs. Buck


Interrupted Snack Time

This otter was in the middle of his midnight snack when he suddenly noticed something strange nearby. As he approached the mysterious object, it suddenly let out a burst of light. Hilariously, throughout this whole exchange, the otter was still munching on his snack.

Interrupted Snack Time

Interrupted Snack Time


Enjoying The Fireworks

Just because fireworks celebrations are meant for humans, it doesn’t mean that animals nearby can’t enjoy them! We don’t typically think about how the animals around us react to our fireworks, but clearly they also hear and see them. This deer seems to be enjoying it!

Enjoying The Fireworks

Enjoying The Fireworks


Caught In The Chase

In the circle of life, many animals are the prey. A lot of predators choose to hunt at night when their prey’s vision is compromised. This cat is ready for the chase, but the deer has not given up yet. We wonder who ended up as the victor tonight.

Caught In The Chase

Caught In The Chase


Hunt Observer

This is a pretty incredible photo to be captured by the trail cam. A hawk has its prey in its clutches, the small animal is desperately trying to escape. In the background, a deer is watching the struggle take place, probably hoping to get some scraps once the hawk is finished.

Hunt Observer

Hunt Observer


Dinner Is Served

Here we see the aftermath of a chase, where the predator has emerged victorious. It’s sad to think that the fawn has been caught, but on the other hand, that’s how life works out in the wild. This coyote is following its nature in order to feed himself and his family.

Dinner Is Served

Dinner Is Served


Glowing Eyes

This deer is literally caught in the headlights…well, at least in the flash of the camera’s lights. The flash reflecting in its eyes sort of makes it look like this deer is possessed. However, he was probably the one who was startled with the sudden flash of light in the middle of the dark woods.

Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes


Ready For My Close Up

This poor little guy was so startled by the camera he came upon, that when the flash went off he was totally scared, his fear clearly visible in his expression. The final photo ended up looking adorable, so we feel bad that he was so scared.

Ready For My Close Up

Ready For My Close Up


Doing His Bear Business

This bear hilariously chose a spot right in front of the trail cam to do his business. Once the camera’s light went off, he looked quite startled and maybe even embarrassed, though realistically he had no idea what was even going on.

Doing His Bear Business

Doing His Bear Business


Anteater Up Close

How often do you get to see an anteater up close and personal like this? While the flash reflecting in his eyes make them look red and a little scary, it looks like he’s just minding his own business. He’s probably trying to find shelter for the remainder of the night.

Anteater Up Close

Anteater Up Close


Caught In The Antlers

This buck thought he was approaching a wild pig in the field, so he decided to go for it and charge. Unfortunately for him, the pig got caught in his antlers, and even worse, the pig was actually just made out of plastic. We wonder how long it took him to get the figurine out of his antlers.

Caught In The Antlers

Caught In The Antlers


Polka Dot Moose

While you might be unsure of what exactly this animal is, we’re sure you can agree that it is quite majestic. This is actually a pinto, or polka dot, moose found in Alberta, Canada. His coat is absolutely mesmerizing. According to photographer Maurice Chenard, this type of moose “are extremely rare.”

Polka Dot Moose

Polka Dot Moose