A Strange Moment On The Subway Changed This Woman’s Life For Good

Published on December 24, 2020
Most people are always waiting for a moment when opportunity comes knocking, but not everyone actually gets that chance. If you were faced with an elevator pitch moment, would you take the opportunity? One woman was given a shot to make her dreams come true. What she chose to do would shape the rest of her life….

Alone In The Subway

One day, Jennifer was completely alone waiting for the subway. There was a strange feeling in the air, as if she knew what was coming.

Alone In The Subway

Alone In The Subway

Getting Her Shoe

Suddenly, Jennifer can be seen in the subway footage doing something a bit strange. She leans against the wall, looks around, and then takes her shoe off. In the meantime, more people began to arrive in the subway station, and they noticed her strange behavior.

Getting Her Shoe

Getting Her Shoe


Things Got Weird

Things took an even stranger turn, as Jennifer can be seen waving her shoe around in her hand. People in the station were clearly confused as to what she was doing. The camera operator also noticed her odd behavior, and he made sure the video was recording. Little did he know that capturing this footage would change Jennifer’s life forever.

Things Got Weird

Things Got Weird


A Change Forever

So how can a video captured at a subway station change somebody’s life for good? To understand, we need to go back and learn more about Jennifer before the life-changing video. She grew up in a small town and always felt different from everyone she grew up with. Everyone around her expected her to become a model or actress, but she never took a chance on herself. That’s until this video happened…

A Change Forever

A Change Forever


The Big Picture

Jennifer’s first serious relationship was with a handsome man named Jake who was working at the National Railway Equipment Company. Jake began to experience a lot of pressure more work, which took a toll on his relationship with Jennifer. Unfortunately, he did not notice how his behavior was affecting Jennifer.

The Big Picture

The Big Picture


No Fairytale Ending

Jennifer was working odd jobs which meant that she was not working consistent hours and she had to dedicate a lot of time to planning out her schedule. The two were planning to move to California, so she was trying to save up as much as possible. Jake offered to help her supplement rent payments, but she wanted to pay for herself. She started to feel like Jake was becoming possessing.

No Fairytale Ending

No Fairytale Ending


Aggression Issues

Jake started to complain about Jennifer’s clothes and hair and began to pick fights with her when she would get home late from work. He would pick fights and then apologize afterwards, saying that he was stressed out from work. One day, Jake said something that caught Jennifer off gaurd.

Aggression Issues

Aggression Issues


Shocking Suggestion

Jake suggested that they try to have a baby. Jennifer was absolutely shocked by this, because they had previously agreed that it was the time to focus on their careers before considering a family. As an aspiring actress, Jennifer knew that getting pregnant would seriously complicate any chances of getting roles.

Shocking Suggestion

Shocking Suggestion


No Common Ground

Jennifer told Jake that she thought they had agreed that it was too early to consider having kids, but Jake wouldn’t back down. He said that he thought having a baby would be the best way for them to rekindle their relationship, and continued to blame her for their strained relationship. He said that she cared more about her job than their relationship.

No Common Ground

No Common Ground


An Idea Sparked

After their latest argument, Jake went to work and Jennifer was left with her thoughts. She started to look through photos of their relationship and was thoroughly confused about what she was going to do. She wondered how she could explain the situation to Jake where he would understand. She then stumbled upon a photo that sparked an idea in her mind.

An Idea Sparked

An Idea Sparked


A Reminder

The photo she found was from a vacation she and Jake took together to Los Angeles in 2019. While they were there, Jake promised that they would eventually move to LA within the next two years. Jennifer knew that if she reminded him of the good times they had, he would be more willing to reconcile and listen to her.

A Reminder

A Reminder


A Secret Plan

Jennifer decided to hatch up a secret plan that involved planning out a special night for Jake that would conclude with a surprise gift. She thought that after she would plan out an evening like that for them, he’d be happy to talk and they could repair their relationship.

A Secret Plan

A Secret Plan


Everything Was Ready

As she planned, she did everything she could to keep the plan secret. Everything was ready to go, all that was left to do was to pick up the photo collage that she ordered. She texted Jake and headed out. She had no idea what was coming next.

Everything Was Ready

Everything Was Ready


Health Scare

Since she had been so busy for the past few weeks between balancing work and planning the surprise, she skipped too many meals, leaving her body feeling to weark. As she arrived at the print shop, she suddenly felt strange and then passed out.

Health Scare

Health Scare


Abandonment Fear

Jennifer woke up at the hospital, but luckily she was surrounded by her friends and family. Her mother said through tears: “We thought we were going to lose you.” After a few minutes, Jennifer remembered that this was supposed to be the night of her surprise. “What happened with Jake?” She asked.

Abandonment Fear

Abandonment Fear


Feeling Reassured

As soon as she uttered these words, the door opened and Jake walked in, carrying a tray of food. Jennifer was relieved, as she worried that he would still be too angry with her to come. Her mom reassured her that Jake had been there the whole time.

Feeling Reassured

Feeling Reassured


Glint Of Hope

Jennifer was so happy to hear that Jake had been there the whole time, and she figured he couldn’t be angry with her anymore. She was still a bit cautious, since she knew that Jake had a tendency of not wanting to look bad in front of others. She wondered whether he was just acting this way in front of her mom?

Glint Of Hope

Glint Of Hope


The Spark Is Back

Luckily, it seemed like Jennifer didn’t need to worry, and that Jake was not mad. In fact, he even seemed like he was sorry and he was acting kinder than before. She felt like she got the old Jake back, but she wondered if this would last.

The Spark Is Back

The Spark Is Back


Going Strong

Two weeks after he fainting incident, things were still going well. A month later, it seemed like their relationship was back on track. Jake stopped complaining about her job and she was happier than ever. Then one day, she received a call from a number she didn’t recognize.

Going Strong

Going Strong


Mysterious Call

When she picked up the call, the voice on the other end asked “is this Jennifer?” She didn’t recognize the voice, and she responded that it was her. The man on the phone explained that he was looking for her specifically, and once he explained who he was Jennifer was completely shocked. This call would change her life forever.

Mysterious Call

Mysterious Call


Unexpected Opportunity

The man on the line was an agent working for Star Entertainment, a global agency that represents models and actors. He told her that an important client insisted on interviewing her. If she accepted, she would need to travel to New York City the next day in order to make the scouting conference in time, and the trip and accommodation would be fully paid for.

Unexpected Opportunity

Unexpected Opportunity


A Lot Of Planning

Though she was initially skeptical, Jennifer soon realized that this was a legitimate opportunity. She started to plan out her trip and knew that in case things fell through, her good friend who lived in New York would let her stay with her. She couldn’t wait to tell Jake.

A Lot Of Planning

A Lot Of Planning


Excited But Nervous

She was thrilled about the opportunity, and could not believe that she had her chance to make her dreams come true. She was very excited but also a little nervous because everything was happening so quickly. She decided it was time to tell Jake.

Excited But Nervous

Excited But Nervous


Announcement At Dinner

She waited until Jake was finished working. She made dinner for the two of them while listening to inspiration speeches. Once he finally arrived, she served them the dinner. She could barely contain her excitement and she finally blurted out: “I got scouted!”

Announcement At Dinner

Announcement At Dinner


His Reaction

Jake looked at her, completely stunned, and asked “what?” Smiling, Jennifer explained: “I got scouted by an agency and they want me to come in for their conference.” He stared at her without saying a word for a few moments. Then he asked: “when and where is it?”

His Reaction

His Reaction


A White Lie

Jennifer sighed to herself and wondered whether it was a good idea to tell him the truth about the conference. She decided that she would fib about the truth and only tell him the truth if she ended up getting signed. She told him that the conference was the next evening but in Mesa, Arizona.

A White Lie

A White Lie


Secret Reveal

Jake and Jennifer were living in Phoenix, Arizona, and Jennifer’s mom lives in Mesa. That’s why she told Jake that the conference was there. Jake was clearly upset, and the two began to argue once again. In the heat of the moment, Jake let out a secret that shocked Jennifer.

Secret Reveal

Secret Reveal


A Difficult Revelation

Jake revealed that he had been lying about looking for a new job in Los Angeles and that he had no plans of moving there at all. He admitted that he only said it to appease her and he was hoping that she would give up on her aspirations and become a housewife. This left Jennifer completely devastated.

A Difficult Revelation

A Difficult Revelation


She Needed Space

Jennifer slept at her friend Macy’s house that night. After that fight, she realized that she didn’t really know who Jake was as a person. She wondered whether it was worth it at all to go to the convention. She was just feeling completely confused.

She Needed Space

She Needed Space


Looking For Advice

Jennifer decided to stay with her friend and talk things through with her. She thought it would be better to calm down completely before talking to Jake again. After a few drinks, she asked Macy for her advice. She didn’t tell Macy what caused the fight, but she did tell her what his lies were.

Looking For Advice

Looking For Advice


Getting Support

Macy was a good friend of hers since they were just kids. She had always known that Jennifer dreamed of becoming an actress and that she worked tirelessly to make her dream come true. Macy told Jennifer that she understood why she had lied to Jake and that she supposed her. Jennifer realized she needed to make a choice.

Getting Support

Getting Support


Making Up Her Mind

Jennifer decided to go through with her plan of going to the conference. She would tell Jake if she ended up getting signed. She thought that maybe Jake wanted her to be a housewife because he didn’t believe she had a chance. If a big agency signed her, maybe he would change his mind.

Making Up Her Mind

Making Up Her Mind


A Risk

The next morning Macy drove Jennifer to the airport and she headed to New York. There, her friend Heather picked her up. Since the conference wasn’t for another few hours, they decided to rest at Heather’s apartment beforehand. That was when Jake called, and he was completely furious.

A Risk

A Risk


The Ultimatum

He demanded that Jennifer tell him where she was. She told him that She had gone to the conference and was staying with her mom. Angrily, he responded by telling her that she either had to quit her dream or their relationship would end.

The Ultimatum

The Ultimatum


The Conference

After all the awful things that Jake said, Jennifer did not feel like going to the conference anymore. Heather insisted that she had to go, and she decided to listen. When she arrived at the conference, she noticed a huge line of girls and many areas for signing in.

The Conference

The Conference


Special Announcement

Jennifer soon realized that of the hundreds of girls in attendance, only five of them were invited to the conference. She still had no idea who was the one who had gotten her the interview, but the agent on the phone had told her it was a big star. She was still confused, and then an announcement was made.

Special Announcement

Special Announcement


The Challenge

They were told that the five girls who were invited were being signed as models, but they had to pass a challenge in order to be signed as actresses. Their challenge was: “you must create a vital moment.” They were told that generations of audiences had to connect to them on a personal level.

The Challenge

The Challenge


A Risky Idea

Jennifer was initially unsure of what to do. She had never been to New York City before. They were given a week to complete the task. While she was waiting at a subway station, a small child asked her mother, “mom is she like a model?” and suddenly Jennifer came up with a risky idea.

A Risky Idea

A Risky Idea


Making A Choice

She thought about Jake and the ultimatum he had threatened her with. She realized that if her plan for the challenge worked, he would know that she had lied to him. She thought of the conversation she had with Heather right before the conference, and she knew she had made her choice.

Making A Choice

Making A Choice


Game Changing Conversation

Jennifer told Heather about everything. Luckily, Heather is a therapist, so she was the perfect person to discuss difficult situations with. Heather told her that it sounded like her relationship with Jake was not a healthy one, and that a supportive partner would never ask her to give up her dream. So what did Jennifer decide?

Game Changing Conversation

Game Changing Conversation


What Happened Next

Jennifer decided to go ahead with her plan. While staring down the CCTV, she strutted down the train platform as if it were a catwalk. She walked down the side of the tram and struck a pose at the end. People immediately started taking photos of her. One stranger would change everything forever.

What Happened Next

What Happened Next


Viral Moment

Derrick was the one in charge of monitoring CCTV that day at that station. He soon realized that a beautiful blonde was modeling right there on the train platform. He took out his phone and recorded her walk, captioning the video: “somebody get this girl a contract!”

Viral Moment

Viral Moment


It Worked Out

The video spread like wildfire on social media and even ended up going viral all around the world. People were so curious and wanted to know who this mystery girl was, and that’s when the agency called her and let her that they wanted to cast her in an upcoming film. Everything was working out so well for Jennifer, but she still didn’t know who had uploaded the video.

It Worked Out

It Worked Out


A New Life

Months after the trip, Jennifer finally moved to Los Angeles and was embarking on her journey of being an up and coming actress. She had not seen Jake since she had taken her things after the NYC trip. She took on therapy to deal with the situation, and she was finally free to focus on her dreams. One day, her agent called her and asked “still want to meet your ‘angel?’

A New Life

A New Life


Familiar Face

Jennifer felt excited and quickly headed over to her agent’s office. She could not believe who was standing there. It was her old acting school classmate, Chris. She had always told her friends that she knew him before he became famous and that he would never remember her.

Familiar Face

Familiar Face


Twist Of Fate

It turns out that he had been shooting a movie in Phoenix earlier that year. He happened to spot Jennifer while he was there, and right before he went up to her, he saw her faint. He was the one that got her to the hospital and that when he got her number to give to the modeling agency.

Twist Of Fate

Twist Of Fate


They Got Together

Soon after this meeting, Chris and Jennifer started to catch up and shortly after, they began going on romantic dates. Jennifer was thrilled with her new life. She was pursuing her dream career and her relationship with Chris was heading in the right direction.

They Got Together

They Got Together


Happy Ending

Jennifer’s mom told her that she finally looked happy. It just goes to show that you should never let anyone stop you from pursuing your dream and that taking risks can sometimes pay off. Jennifer fought for herself and her happiness.

Happy Ending

Happy Ending