This Photo Caused Her Husband to File for a Divorce

Published on September 27, 2020
Since mobile phones now come equipped with cameras, it’s super easy for people to send multimedia to each other in a variety of ways. For example, people can use social media and communication platforms, such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, to send all the photos they want to whomever they’d like. This couple from Portugal elected to do so every day. This woman you see in the image below did just that, and the said photo caused an unexpected stir in the marriage. Her husband got incredibly angry, and the move ended up having consequences she wasn’t prepared for.

Not the Spotlight Type

The wife, Iris, is someone who many people would describe as being physically stunning, which means men tend to notice her. She was always shy, but her friends suggested a dating app.

Not The Spotlight Type

Not The Spotlight Type

Let the Swiping Begin

In today’s world, dating apps such as Bumble and Tinder are very popular. She created her profile, and a lot of rude guys came along. Eventually, she liked and matched with Thomas.

Let The Swiping Begin

Let The Swiping Begin


Time to Meet

Eventually, the two decided to meet outside of the app. It only took two days after matching for them to start learning about each other by having a cozy bar date. It went well.

Time To Meet

Time To Meet


It’s Just Us Two

The first date was enough for them to tell that there was something there because of common interests. By the time the fifth date concluded, both their statuses read “in a relationship.”

It's Just Us Two

It’s Just Us Two


A Cool Surprise Trip

Thomas was so into Iris after a couple of months that he decided to plan a wonderful trip to surprise her. Iris, unaware of the bigger plan, was very receptive to it.

A Cool Surprise Trip

A Cool Surprise Trip


Popping the Question

Though the relationship was only in its early stages when the traveling began, Thomas already knew he wanted Iris. Therefore, he decided that he was going to use the opportunity to propose to her.

Popping The Question

Popping The Question


She Wanted Him Too

Iris felt like everything was happening very quickly, but she was into him too. Therefore, she decided to give him an emphatic, “Yes!” Just two months before, Iris was dating around, unsure of what her future would bring.

She Wanted Him Too

She Wanted Him Too


A Quick Deal

The two were married very quickly, which was fine as none of them wanted a huge celebration. Iris and Thomas had their wedding, and it only consisted of them and those they deemed near and dear.

A Quick Deal

A Quick Deal


An Awesome Start

The marriage got off on an amazing foot, and the two were very kind to each other and went on many weekend trips. Then Thomas’ job called him, and then a change came about.

An Awesome Start

An Awesome Start


Trouble in Paradise?

Thomas was both ambitious and handsome, and Iris was beautiful and well put together. No one would’ve ever imagined that the relationship could be at risk. However, things usually look good on the outside.

Trouble in Paradise?

Trouble in Paradise?


The Family Home

After they got past the six-month mark, the couple decided to get a house together. They stopped living in their apartments, got a mortgage, and bought a house. The home search was very short lived.

The Family Home

The Family Home


Sad Day for Thomas

Things were going very well, but unfortunately, Thomas’s workplace was in a terrible financial place. Sadly, it meant that the struggling business decided to let Thomas go as a new cost-cutting measure.

Sad Day For Thomas

Sad Day For Thomas


Money Worries

With Thomas out of a job, the couple didn’t have the kind of stable income it did before. Eventually, hard times began to set in, and there were numerous disagreements between the two as a result.

Money Worries

Money Worries


Looking for Work

Thomas tried very hard to get back into the workforce as soon as he could. He sent out numerous applications, as he intended to get his marriage out of the turbulent position it had gotten into.

Looking For Work

Looking For Work


Always on the Go

While Thomas was still employed, Iris didn’t see much of him. He was an insurance agent, which meant he was always traveling. He earned a lot, as he was very good at his job.

Always On The Go

Always On The Go


A Weekend Routine

While working, Thomas didn’t like how infrequently he saw his wife, which made him feel very guilty every time he left her. The two only got the chance to see each other when weekends came around.

A Weekend Routine

A Weekend Routine


The Supportive Wife

Through the distance, Iris never stopped supporting Thomas in the job that he did. He made a lot of money, and he decided that he wanted to show his love for her his way.

The Supportive Wife

The Supportive Wife


Something Had to Give

One day, while Thomas was in a hotel room. Iris sent him a message that brought him to tears. He considered quitting his enjoyable job. He was usually tired during his limited time with Iris.

Something Had To Give

Something Had To Give


The Final Straw

The couple would frequently have arguments when Thomas was away. Iris wanted to be supportive, but she had reached her breaking point. One day, she sent her husband an angry message, which was the last straw.

The Final Straw

The Final Straw


He Could Adapt

Thomas knew he was good at what he did. With his qualifications, he was sure he could find a job close to home. He could afford a beautiful house and was ready to tell Iris.

He Could Adapt

He Could Adapt


Digital Interaction

During the week, the two communicated via digital means. They spoke daily and looked forward to their weekends. When Thomas was free, the couple always exchanged photos. He got something unexpected before he was ready to share his news.

Digital Interaction

Digital Interaction


Casual Encounters

On some weekdays, Thomas visited a bar after his working hours. He was away from Iris, who was frustrating him, and he just wanted some drinks. Sometimes, he had great conversations with women he’d meet while there.

Casual Encounters

Casual Encounters


Nothing Serious

Several days before Thomas was ready to tell Iris his news, he met a woman in a bar whom he was fond of. His boss was paying, and so he invited her over for some drinks.

Nothing Serious

Nothing Serious


A Good Husband

Though he had a great time talking to the woman, he held himself back due to his love for Iris. The woman wanted him to come to her room, but he declined her offer politely.

A Good Husband

A Good Husband


The Surprising Photo

One Thursday, the two were communicating the way they usually do. They spoke about their agendas for the week, and Thomas anticipated sharing his news. Then Iris sent him a photo that collapsed everything.

The Surprising Photo

The Surprising Photo


Bar Sofa

It looked like a standard picture of her sitting on a couch. Thomas then noticed it was a bar sofa, and it was sunny outside. Upon closer observation, he found himself angry, after which he cried.

Bar Sofa

Bar Sofa


The Picture Told the Tale

He could see something at the picture’s edge. Iris wanted it to look like a relaxed photo, but she forgot something. Thomas’s feeling for her began to wither, as things were about to fall apart.

The Picture Told The Tale

The Picture Told The Tale


Double Agent

In the photo, Iris’ wedding ring was replaced by a different ring, which was meant to hide the white skin underneath. She was living a double life, which brought Thomas to the realization that he had to file for divorce.

Double Agent

Double Agent


World Turned Upside Down

They were just having a great conversation and sharing photos, and now it seemed like none of that meant anything. After receiving Iris’ photo, Thomas wondered how this could be his Iris.

World Turned Upside Down

World Turned Upside Down


She’s a Cheater

Iris was living a double life, as she couldn’t stand the loneliness that came with Thomas’ being away. She tried to hide her other man’s existence very well, but this time, she wasn’t careful.

She's A Cheater

She’s A Cheater


No Forgiveness

Thomas felt too betrayed to consider the prospect of forgiving his wife, and so he promptly filed for a divorce. Additionally, the thought of being betrayed so long sent him into a deep wave of depression.

No Forgiveness

No Forgiveness


What a Shock!

Several months after the divorce happened, Thomas booked a city trip to put it behind him. He’d check for work email, though. While at a bar one day, he looked up and was dumbfounded.

What A Shock

What A Shock


A Perfect Choice

The city Thomas chose was one that didn’t have any feelings associated with it. Everywhere he and Iris went had lost its appeal. He just wanted to be alone, but he made an excellent choice.

A Perfect Choice

A Perfect Choice


Angel Arrives

A young woman came into the bar; then, he realized that he knew her! Her name was Angel, and she was once a very important childhood friend. He wasted no time in going over to her.

Angel Arrives

Angel Arrives


First-time Visit

Thomas never visited this place before. The days were gloomy, but the nights were vibrant and beautiful. He never thought he’d see his high schoolmate here, and nothing was going to stop him from getting up.

First Time Visit

First Time Visit



The two were high school lovers. In their final year, Angel’s parents’ work forced her to move abroad. With Iris in the picture, he didn’t even think about her, but she still made his heart beat faster.




Following His Feelings

Thomas went with his heart and spoke to her. Luckily she was alone, so it wasn’t so hard. She hadn’t forgotten him, and she smiled brightly as soon as she realized he was there.

Following His Feelings

Following His Feelings


Amazing Conversation

It turned out she wanted to have a drink after finishing work. They used the opportunity to catch up. After hearing about the divorce, she was surprised, especially since she hoped to be with him again.

Amazing Conversation

Amazing Conversation


Where Did the Time Go?

They had a great time talking about their past, and he forgot the past few months. They ended up talking until the bar closed. Then Angel asked Thomas something he couldn’t believe.

Where Did The Time Go

Where Did The Time Go


His New Life

Angel stared at him longingly and asked if he wanted a final drink at her house. They walked there, hand in hand. It was a great end to the night and the start of a new chapter for the reunited lovers.

His New Life

His New Life


Modern Love

The fact of life today is that when we involve our love lives online, sometimes we have to deal with the consequences. Photos posted online can have changed meanings once our relationships change, just like it did with this one couple.

Modern Love

Modern Love


Beach Date

Naya Stephenson met a guy in college and were dating for 9 months as quickly fell in love. The two planned to have a picnic together, and Naya tweeted: “I cannot wait to meet my boyfriend in July.”

Beach Date

Beach Date


Trouble In Paradise

You would think that everything was perfect based on her social media account. But that wasn’t the case. Just a day after the adorable snaps were taken, the couple actually broke up.

Trouble In Paradise

Trouble In Paradise


Good Sport

Many people would be quite embarrassed about posting loved up photos only to break up the next day, but Naya decided to laugh at herself and share the news with her followers.

Good Sport

Good Sport


People’s Reactions

You would think that people might respond badly to Naya’s news and call her a hypocrite. However, people were actually surprisingly supportive and even admired Naya’s transparency.

People's Reactions

People’s Reactions


The Reason

So why did Naya and her boyfriend actually break up? Naya explained in an interview with that the pair disagreed when it came to policing and racism. After ‘lengthy’ discussions, she felt their stances were just too different.

The Reason

The Reason


She Explains

Naya shared in the interview: “I didn’t always trust his perspective as a non-black person of colour on these issues, though I realize I should have tried to more. Our disagreement on this bothered me, and caused me to subconsciously doubt him.”

She Explains

She Explains


He Ended It

Naya continued: “He broke up with me because he felt that we wouldn’t ever get out of the pattern of me ‘doubting his politics,’ and though I’d made better efforts to trust him, he didn’t think it was enough.”

He Ended It

He Ended It


Still On Good Terms

Luckily, the two are still on friendly terms. Naya said: “He thinks it’s really funny, and he’s glad people are supporting me. It’s almost like we didn’t break up. He still tells me he loves me, texts me all the time, etc. ‘If he’s reading this, I want him to know that we could work things out.”

Still On Good Terms

Still On Good Terms


A Comeback

With that kind of attitude, who knows, maybe Naya and her ex-boyfriend will get past their differences and get back together. It seems like they’re both very understanding people and still supportive of one another. We wish them the best of luck!

A Comeback

A Comeback


It’s Complicated

Sharing your relationship status on social media sometimes means having to update the world when you break up. That can lead to a lot of awkwardness. Do you delete all evidence of the relationship? Do you make an announcement or just quietly change your status back to ‘single?’

It's Complicated

It’s Complicated


An Idea

22 year old Western Michigan University student Bach and his girlfriend broke up, and the two decided to share one last memory together before parting. They decided to have a breakup photoshoot.

An Idea

An Idea


Half Laughing, Half Crying

Bach explained in an interview with Mashable that at first the photoshoot idea started out as a joke, but “It ended up being really real emotions and we got kind of sad.”

Half Laughing, Half Crying

Half Laughing, Half Crying


The Breakup

Bach and his girlfriend met in high school and the two had been together for three and a half years before ending their relationship while in college. A year later, the couple reunited for the breakup photoshoot.

The Breakup

The Breakup


The Photographer

Armed with a tripod, Bach knew that they could easily pull this off. So he reached out to his ex with the outlandish idea, and much to his (and everyone else’s) surprise, she agreed to be a part of the photoshoot.

The Photographer

The Photographer


Explaining His Idea

Many people wondered why on Earth Bach wanted to be a part of a photoshoot with his ex-girlfriend and where he got this idea. He explained: “I see my friends who are in relationships doing really nice professional photography photoshoots.”

Explaining His Idea

Explaining His Idea


Why Not?

Bach continued: “I had the idea of doing the same thing in the same setting, but post-relationship, in a different way.” He thought that it would be interesting to post a similar style of photoshoot, just after a breakup instead of during a relationship.

Why Not?

Why Not?


Going Viral

After Bach and his ex completed the photoshoot, he posted them on his Facebook page. Soon after, one of his friends reposted the photos on Twitter, and as expected, the photos quickly went viral.

Going Viral

Going Viral


Hilarious Responses

After the photoshoot pictures went viral, people had hilarious replies to the photos. One user posted mockingly: “When your girlfriend comes back from the war but she’s not the same.”

Hilarious Responses

Hilarious Responses


His Friend’s Post

This was the friend’s Twitter post that ended up making the whole photoshoot go viral. We wonder if he knew just how far reaching his post would be! At least the exes were able to be civil with one another after their breakup.

His Friend's Post

His Friend’s Post