Scientist Finds Strange Object in an Iceberg and Is Shocked When He Learns What It Is

Published on February 13, 2022
Mark was a scientist who accidentally stumbled onto an undiscovered ice cave while on a solo mission in Greenland. He had absolutely no idea what to expect as he started checking things out. To make matters worse, he found a strange-looking silhouette that was deep in the ice and frozen.

Overall, he knew this had to be a special find. However, he got through the ice and sat face-to-face with that silhouette, shocked to the core by what he had found. What was in the iceberg? Some frozen mysteries might be better left undiscovered. Find out what he experienced:

Shape Behind the Ice

Mark put his hand on the wall of ice, saying he came back as he said he would. It sounded like he was in love. In the ice, he sees a giant, human-like figure. However, you can make out little more than the shape. That was enough for this man.

Shape Behind the Ice

Shape Behind the Ice

Getting Through This Ice

He brought people from the nearest village with him to get behind that ice wall and determine if this was his greatest discovery ever. The crew carefully chips away at the ice, finally getting an idea of what they might be dealing with.

Getting Through This Ice

Getting Through This Ice


Shocked by This Discovery

The workers are shocked and step back. Some start heading to the cave entrance, but Mark drops to his knees. What did he find in the ice wall? How did he even know it was there?

Shocked by This Discovery

Shocked by This Discovery


The Mission

Mark was a 36-year-old scientist and not like most explorers. He wanted to learn more about global warming by seeing what had been hidden in the ice. Explorers everywhere want to get their names in history books, but Mark succeeded in ways he never imagined.

The Mission

The Mission


Discovery of a Lifetime

His journey took him to Greenland, which had been inaccessible before and unexplored. However, climate change made it possible, and Mark was determined to use the opportunity to make a discovery of a lifetime.

Discovery of a Lifetime

Discovery of a Lifetime


Frozen in Time

Mark set out on the journey, trying to find something frozen in the thin ice layer. He’s got just the bare minimum to survive, and the first few weeks are hard on him. However, he knows it is worth it in the end.

Frozen in Time

Frozen in Time


Bare Minimum

With no comforts from home and only enough for survival, Mark is determined to make that trip worthwhile. He had been hiking for miles, and civilization was two days away. Then, he stumbled on something that might be what he wanted!

Bare Minimum

Bare Minimum


Strange Rock

Mark was getting discouraged because he was questioning his moves and running out of supplies. Finally, he spots a rock formation on an ice-covered plain. He moves toward it, hoping that he discovered something huge.

Strange Rock

Strange Rock


Something Unusual

When he gets close, he sees it’s a rock formation, but a breeze is coming from the small cracks between those rocks. It’s unusual and worth investigating. In fact, it could be a tunnel or cave, but he has to explore to find out.

Something Unusual

Something Unusual


Heavy Rock

Excited, Mark moves the rock out of his way. Though it takes time, he gets it done. He sees a hole behind, questioning where it leads and what he might find. However, he then wonders if he should wait for others or go in alone.

Heavy Rock

Heavy Rock


No Contact

While Mark is a seasoned explorer, he understands the dangers of being alone. No one even really knows what he’s doing or where he is. There’s been no phone service for two days, so it’s highly irresponsible to go on now.

No Contact

No Contact


Down the Hole

He feels he should take the two-day hike back to the village, but curiosity got the better of him. He takes a peek in the hole, not going far and being very careful. Things sloped downward, and he took caution. Still, he wasn’t prepared for the discovery.

Down the Hole

Down the Hole


Now a Tunnel

The hole turned into a tunnel quickly, making it hard to walk through. He had to be careful and was afraid the rocks might loosen and collapse on him. However, that seems less likely as he gets deeper. Remember, everything is frozen!

Now a Tunnel

Now a Tunnel


Far from That Entrance

As he goes further down, the tunnel gets wider. It was cold and dark, and Mark didn’t realize how far he had come. Looking back, that entrance seemed small. However, the tunnel finally turns into a big cave.

Far from That Entrance

Far from That Entrance


A Cave

Mark is excited because he thinks he was the first person to see the cave. Overall, he realizes that it’s bigger than he thought. Now, he should leave and return with help, but it had to be explored. Therefore, he walked around for hours, hoping he might find something.

A Cave

A Cave


Something Different

Though he kept track of the entrance, he noticed an ice wall that seemed different than the others. With all the ice layers around him, they look white and blue. However, one has a dark silhouette behind it, which could be a rock. What was it?!

Something Different

Something Different


A Silhouette

As he gets closer to the ice wall, he puts light on it. The light moves over the dark silhouette, but he can’t really see anything or get a clue as to what it was. He knew he had to try something else, and he thinks he has just the item to do it.

A Silhouette

A Silhouette


No Luck

Mark searches through his few supplies and comes out with a pickaxe, starting to chip at the ice. However, it’s quite solid. He worked for a long time but realized he’d made little progress. Unfortunately, he might freeze to death before he got to the core.

No Luck

No Luck


Time to Be Smart

He knows he has been stubborn all day and made questionable decisions. In fact, he’s in a cave all alone, with no one knowing where he is. That’s as dangerous as it gets. Now, he should go get help, calling it a day and being practical and sensible.

Time to Be Smart

Time to Be Smart


Making Camp

Before he leaves, he creates a map on a piece of paper to find the place again. He found it easy to get back to the tunnel, but it was hard to move uphill. Finally, he makes it to the surface, so he sets up camp to warm up, thinking of his next day’s plan.

Making Camp

Making Camp


A Plan

Mark plans to go to a nearby village and recruit some people to get him through the ice wall. Though he could tell his colleagues, they might want to take credit or be a huge part of it, and this is his discovery!

A Plan

A Plan


Journey Back

The journey to the village was difficult and long. The wind picked up, with snow filling the air. In fact, Mark could develop hypothermia, but he was focused more on remembering the way back to the cave. Nothing else mattered at that point.

Journey Back

Journey Back


Restless Night

Throughout the night, Mark dreamt of that dark silhouette. What might it be? His thoughts ranged from strange to outlandish, and he barely got much sleep. However, in the morning, he was ready to take off with the first light of day.

Restless Night

Restless Night



Though he noted the location on a digital map, it was inaccurate. Plus, he didn’t want anyone else to see it and find it. Therefore, he tried picking out landmarks to pinpoint the cave’s location. Nobody could stop him because he was already imagining the fame he might get.




Gathering the Group

In town, Mark rounded up some men who could help for money. He didn’t say much about the find, saying he needed someone to help with digging in the ice. People are often willing to do almost anything for cash, so it wasn’t hard. However, could it hurt him to twist the truth?

Gathering the Group

Gathering the Group


Gathering Equipment

The townspeople didn’t ask many questions and only wanted to make some money. They prepared for the journey, making sure they had appropriate equipment for the job. In fact, Mark was just excited about the quick response he got!

Gathering Equipment

Gathering Equipment


Snow Scooters

Everyone gathered tools, supplies, and snow scooters that could move in the terrain. Mark’s bank account drained quickly between all that and paying his helpers. However, he didn’t mind spending it all or going into debt to make his discovery!

Snow Scooters

Snow Scooters


Journeying Back

As they traveled back to the cave, he had a hard time pinpointing the location, even with his map. You see, there was a snowstorm that dumped snow for 24 hours or more, so the whole area was covered. He couldn’t find the entrance and was becoming desperate!

Journeying Back

Journeying Back


Covered in Snow

The landmarks Mark tried to remember were now covered with snow, so it was so much harder to find the cave. After a few hours, the townspeople wanted to head back home and give up. Mark couldn’t accept that and started to get annoyed!

Covered in Snow

Covered in Snow


Finding the Cave

Luckily, one of the helpers poked around the ground with a stick, feeling it go through and fall. He had stuck that stick into the snow-covered hole. Was this the entrance Mark had found earlier? It had to be!

Finding the Cave

Finding the Cave


Making Their Way Down

Mark’s heart skipped a beat because they found it, and he’d been thinking about it for hours. They quickly went into the hole, being careful because it was slippery. Though he was happy, he didn’t want anyone to get hurt.

Making Their Way Down

Making Their Way Down


The Frozen Treasure

After setting foot in the cave, he rushes to the frozen treasure, finding it in minutes. However, the townspeople were confused because he hadn’t told them what they were digging. Were they still likely to help him? The oldest finally stepped forward.

The Frozen Treasure

The Frozen Treasure


Getting Excited

Now, the helpers were excited. Could they be part of history? They got to work but were careful because they didn’t want to hurt the find. They started thinking about the possibilities, but they were way off base.

Getting Excited

Getting Excited


Taking Their Time

They had to keep this in prime condition if they could. The ice layer was thick, so getting through it was likely to take a long time. Did they even have the right equipment for the job? Then, something happened!

Taking Their Time

Taking Their Time


Hitting too Hard

One worker hit the ice too hard, causing rumbles to echo through the cave. Large cracks formed at the point of contact, spreading quickly through the ice. In fact, Mark was worried about what might happen to them all!

Hitting too Hard

Hitting too Hard


Wall Crashes Down

The workers all step back or run to the entrance, feeling that the cave might collapse. However, Mark can’t move. Seconds later, the ice wall crashes into a million pieces and reveals what it had hidden for centuries. Mark couldn’t believe what he saw!

Wall Crashes Down

Wall Crashes Down


Massive Drawing

Behind the ice wall was a stone wall with an enormous ancient drawing of human-like creatures. Though it was a great find, it wasn’t what he had hoped for. Still, there were many drawings revealed of hunting scenes, fire, and people. He wanted to get the news out quickly!

Massive Drawing

Massive Drawing


Great Discovery

Overall, it proved that humans had been there, and experts could hopefully determine when the drawings originated. Mark knew it was time to call in his peers and the media because this was the greatest discovery in the area found by a single man.

Great Discovery

Great Discovery


Visiting Experts

In the next few months, many experts visited the ice cave. However, it was declared protected, so people couldn’t go in without permission. Though it cost a lot of money, time, and effort, Mark was proud of what he did.

Visiting Experts

Visiting Experts


History Books

Mark was credited with that discovery, and his name is forever cemented in history books. It is still his crowning scientific achievement. Though he didn’t get rich, he was focused more on the credit than anything else.

History Books

History Books