A Man Taught Some Mean Girls a Lesson When They Took His Parking Spot

Published on January 27, 2021
All this man wanted to do was enjoy a meal with his family. However, he struggled to do this when he noticed that the restaurant was filled with noise that made the entire experience unpleasant. The whole area smelled of the perfume from the ladies who were the reason for all the chaos. These were the very girls who had wronged the man. At that moment, he knew that he needed to teach these girls a lesson. These obnoxious girls had no idea what this man was planning or that they were about to be taught a very valuable lesson.

Waiting to Park

Tom and his family had been patiently waiting to park. The entire family was very excited to be going out to eat. Tom spent a lot of time waiting to park his car to enter the restaurant. Finally, a spot opened up for him.

Waiting To Park

Waiting To Park

Getting Cut Off

As Tom was about to move into the open parking spot, he was cut off by another driver. His entire family was completely shocked by what had happened. Several ladies exited the car like they had done nothing wrong and entered the restaurant.

Getting Cut Off

Getting Cut Off


By Surprise

Tom was taken by complete shock when he saw the group of noisy girls exiting the car. He definitely wasn’t happy with what the ladies had done. Everyone knows that parking is on a first-come, first-serve basis, but these girls failed to comply.

By Surprise

By Surprise


No Excuses

Tom confronted the rude girls about what they had done. However, the driver told him that it was too bad. The man was completely surprised by what had happened. That’s when he decided that he needed to teach these girls a lesson.

No Excuses

No Excuses


Enjoying their Evening

Tom and his family decided to make the most of their evening and not let the mean girls get to them. However, Tom still had not forgotten about what the girls had done and knew that he was going to make things right.

Enjoying Their Evening

Enjoying Their Evening


Seeking Help

Tom had simply wanted a relaxed evening with his family. However, these mean girls had ruined his entire evening. From his table, he could clearly see the girls getting drunk and so he decided to get a waiter to help him out.

Seeking Help

Seeking Help


The Waiter

Tom gave the waiter 20 dollars for him to help, and the waiter gladly took it. The waiter became incredibly curious about what the man had planned and was happy to help him out. It was evident that the entire restaurant found the noisy girls to be incredibly rude.

The Waiter

The Waiter


Sending a Message

Tom told the waiter that he should wait ten minutes after he and his family leave. After this, he should tell the girls that someone called with a message that their car had been keyed and that they should have parked somewhere else.

Sending A Message

Sending A Message


An Accepted Offer

The waiter took the 20 dollars and agreed the plan that Tom had come up with. Tom wanted to stand by to see what the girls were going to do after hearing the news. However, he decided against this and felt that things would be better if he allowed things to pan out without his presence.

An Accepted Offer

An Accepted Offer


Making a Scene

Tom didn’t wish anything actually bad to happen these girls. However, he did wwant to teach these ladies a lesson, and that’s exactly what he did. Once arriving back home, he called the waiter to find out how the plan had unfolded. Their reaction was something that even Tom couldn’t have planned for.

Making A Scene

Making A Scene


Way Too Drunk

The girls made a huge scene, got everyone’s attention in the restaurant, and called the police. Once the police arrived, they checked the car to find that it didn’t have a single scratch or dent. There was nothing the police could do, so they went back to their car.

Way Too Drunk

Way Too Drunk


A Trap

Once the women were finished with their drinks and meal, they decided it was time to return back to their car and head home. Everyone could tell that the ladies were too drunk to drive, and the police knew it also, which is why they intervened after the driver started the engine.

A Trap

A Trap



It was clear that karma had been served to the girls in the car. Their rude behavior had led to the police being called and had ended in the police getting involved when the drunk driver tried to start the vehicle. Was she going to get arrested?




All from Being Rude

The only reason the police were called to the restaurant was because of their impolite manners. However, nobody would have guessed that them taking Tom’s parking would lead to the ladies being charged for a DUI.

All From Being Rude

All From Being Rude


Easy Money

The waiter at the restaurant received 40 dollars, as Tom later returned to the restaurant with an additional 20 dollars to thank him. However, many people believed that Tom had gone too far. What do you think?

Easy Money

Easy Money


The Goal

Tom had planned to teach the girls a lesson about their rude behavior. However, the ladies calling the cops was never part of the plan. He was very surprised about what had happened, but the girls called the very people who later arrested them, not Tom.

The Goal

The Goal


He Was Right

When looking at his plan, Tom had done nothing wrong. All he had planned to do was give the girls a little scare for being so rude to him. He had never intended it to go so far but at the same time, their rude behavior led to this and they brought it upon themselves.

He Was Right

He Was Right



After the story was retold to wider audiences, people began to think that the tale was made up. This is because nobody could find photos, the girls’ names, or police reports that aligned with this story. Nonetheless, it’s important to understand the importance of the story.




A Story

One must first ask why Tom would have made up such a story. There’s no doubt that the story has a very important moral. However, this doesn’t sound like the type of thing that people just make up. It needs to have come from somewhere.

A Story

A Story


A Fortunate Tale

However, it’s still a pretty lucky story for the girls who were involved in the tale. This is because there aren’t any photos or evidence naming these girls. The ladies’ location and additional personal information are all hidden, which is good for them.

A Fortunate Tale

A Fortunate Tale


The Lesson

There are two evident morals in this story. One of these is that we all shouldn’t misjudge people who are around us. We may feel like we are better than others, but we shouldn’t judge what we don’t know. But what’s the second lesson?

The Lesson

The Lesson


Another Lesson

Another very important lesson that all people should take with them is that nothing good happens to those who are rude to others. Karma is always waiting to be delivered to a terrible person. This is exactly what happened with these mean girls.

Another Lesson

Another Lesson


Not the Only One

Sadly, Tom’s story isn’t the only one, and we’re sure you have some of your own. This one man was faced with a terrible problem when a woman decided to add to his very busy and problematic day. What did he do about it?

Not The Only One

Not The Only One


Needing Her to Move

This man was already facing a pretty challenging day, as he had materials to deliver and a schedule to keep. Upon arrival, a woman had parked in his way of delivering these materials. After politely asking her to move, she quickly refused to do so.

Needing Her To Move

Needing Her To Move


Parking Spots

This person was the foreman of the construction site. Although he never struggled when doing his job because we had the experience and knowledge, the lady was standing in the way of him being able to do his job right, which annoyed him.

Parking Spots

Parking Spots


One-Way Access

The foreman’s job was already made more complex as he was working in an area with a one-way access road. He had no choice but to use this 250-foot road. It wasn’t an easy task as he was driving a construction vehicle with materials. Not to mention, the road was inclined, which only made matters worse.

One Way Access

One Way Access


A Car Waiting

There’s a very important reason why delivery trucks need the foothills spot. This is mainly because this parking spot makes it difficult for the truck to move and cause an accident. However, this parking spot was already taken by a car that didn’t need it.

A Car Waiting

A Car Waiting


Wouldn’t Move

There are some people that choose to park in areas that say ‘No Parking.’ This was the case for a mom who was waiting for her child. She refused to move despite being parked in a no-parking zone as she was waiting for her kid to get out of school.

Wouldn’t Move

Wouldn’t Move


The Rules

It usually isn’t problem for people to park in this no parking zone if there aren’t any deliveries being made. However, this isn’t the case if there is a delivery or construction truck on site. The driver tried to explain that it was okay if they parked there, but they weren’t able to stay long.

The Rules

The Rules


Boxed In

What happens when a person parks their car in an area where a delivery truck needs to be? Well, this woman found this out in an incredibly friendly way when the foreman explained the situation to her. However, her reaction wasn’t what the man expected.

Boxed In

Boxed In


Calling the Police

This situation occurred in a place where the construction was very busy. Everyone had been informed that a delivery was going to be made, but the car still refused to move. As the foreman approached the vehicle to try and talk to the lady, he could see she was on the phone.

Calling The Police

Calling The Police


Still No

The foreman tried to get her attention, but nothing seemed to work. After a while, the lady noticed him and rolled down her window. He asked her to move her car once again. However, the lady refused yet again.


Still No


Not Backing Down

The primary problem was the way the lady was communicating. She was incredibly rude to the foreman and didn’t seem to care too much about what the man was saying. Instead of returning his kindness, she completely disregarded it.

Not Backing Down

Not Backing Down


A Livid Woman

The foreman again began explaining the situation when the delivery truck had arrived. The man could easily see that the woman was getting frustrated with him. However, he knew that it needed to be done because he had a job to do.

A Livid Woman

A Livid Woman


Company Policy

She needed to move her car, but the woman wouldn’t listen to a word the foreman said. He tried talking with a serious tone, but that didn’t seem to work either. He wanted to let her know that this was a serious matter, but it fell on deaf ears.

Company Policy

Company Policy


Her Anger

This poor man was completely surprised when he was confronted with the woman’s strange and unjustified anger. The foreman then decided to get the driver to park beside the woman. However, nobody could have planned what was going to happen next.

Her Anger

Her Anger



Once the foreman got the driver to agree to his plan, it was quickly put into action. It was evident that the delivery driver also wanted to teach the woman a lesson she wouldn’t forget. What did the woman do?




Starting to Get Uncontrollable

The woman’s car was now stuck between different vehicles, and there was no way she was getting out. After parking next to her, the foreman set the next phase into action. The woman was trying her hardest not to look at the foreman, but this wasn’t going to last.

Starting To Get Uncontrollable

Starting To Get Uncontrollable


Trying to Escape

The workers on the construction site had thought that their plan had failed. That’s when they decided to get the authorities involved. The foreman called the police and told them about their situation. However, this wasn’t what you would think it was for.

Trying To Escape

Trying To Escape


Actions Have Consequences

The foreman didn’t want to get the woman in trouble. However, he did want this on record so that the construction site didn’t get into trouble with the city for blocking part of the street. By calling the police, they were able to scare the woman a bit and teach her a lesson. Let’s hope she doesn’t do that again.

Actions Have Consequences

Actions Have Consequences