The Curious Team
The members of the Vat19 YouTube channel are known for their strange experiments. Their seven million-plus subscribers enjoy the content and even submit wacky ideas too. The team tries anything interesting and doable enough.

The Curious Team
Not Your Average Ball
A typical effervescent ball is no larger than a tennis ball. However, the YouTubers decided to make one with a diameter of approximately 1.5 meters. Read on for an explanation about these balls.

Not Your Average Ball
What’s a Bath Bomb?
Some people call an effervescent ball a bath bomb. It’s a collection of scented ingredients, such as essential oils, compressed into a ball with baking soda. In water, it fizzes and spreads a fantastic scent.

What’s A Bath Bomb?
Tons of Variety
You can find many different bath bomb variations for sale, but they all tend to contain citric acid and baking soda. Big colorful balls, glitter balls, and holiday themed effervescent balls are a few examples.

Tons Of Variety
The Big Brother
Creating a gigantic effervescent ball is quite a task, and none of the YouTubers had ever done so. They wanted it to work like a normal one, which would slowly sink and spread color and great aroma.

The Big Brother
A Healthy Curiosity
The team couldn’t help but try to determine what effect the ball would have when it got into the pool. However, they needed to get through the manufacturing process before finding out.

A Healthy Curiosity
The Special Mold
You can’t make an effervescent ball without a mold, and this applies to an even greater degree to the large version. Therefore, the team needed to create a unique mold for the ball’s ingredients.

The Special Mold
Mixing the Ingredients
With the mold in place, the team focused on assembling and mixing the necessary ingredients. They combined a large concentration of the typical ingredients with a cement mixer and filled the mold to the brim.

Mixing The Ingredients
Removing the Mold
With everything in place, the Vat19 team needed to remove the mold. The only issue is that they needed to be super careful to avoid destroying the ball. It was an arduous task.

Removing The Mold
Elephant Paste
Before discussing the result of the bath bomb, here’s another experiment that you may find to be even more impressive. This is no regular toothpaste, but it is a pretty cool experiment you can do at home.

Elephant Paste
What You Need
If you want to make elephant paste, all you need is hydrogen peroxide, warm water, and dish soap. Of course, you need some dedicated containers to put everything in before the mixing happens.

What You Need
Getting Started
Use the warm water to dissolve the yeast. Next, get a bottle and pour both the hydrogen peroxide and the dish soap into it. Finally, combine the two mixtures and watch the experimental fun begin.

Getting Started
Go Big or Go Home
Nick Ulas was fond of the exciting experiment since his childhood days. He decided that he wanted to break the world record for the most considerable amount of elephant toothpaste.

Go Big Or Go Home
Putting Things in Place
Nick intended to generate over 200 cubic meters of the substance, and this meant gathering a lot of ingredients over a few days. For example, 245 liters of Hydrogen Peroxide went into the effort.

Putting Things In Place
Well Worth It
Though it took a lot to get things ready, the result was well worth it. The foam quickly covered the entire garden, and its size went way above the world record, as the team had hoped.

Well Worth It
Introducing Mark Rober
Before Nick blew the record out of the park, it was held by Mark Rober. Rober is a YouTuber who boasts over 12 million followers, making him one of the platform’s most popular content creators.

Introducing Mark Rober
Mark’s Credentials
Mark studied Mechanical Engineering and worked as an Engineer at NASA for nine years after that. He had a fantastic job, but he felt like he could express his love of science in another way and left.

Mark’s Credentials
A Huge Change in Scenery
Mark was one of the names responsible for the Curiosity Rover, which is a longstanding Mars traveler. Still, he wished to throw his hat into the very attractive YouTube sphere instead.

A Huge Change In Scenery
Using His Talent
Mark was very fond of scientific experiments, and he decided to make videos about them. If he managed to succeed, it would be a combination of great fun and a potentially excellent income stream.

Using His Talent
Interesting Projects
Since he started his channel, he’s done many exciting projects that attract people for their brilliance and uniqueness. One of the craziest inventions was a specially designed dartboard. Using it meant always hitting the bullseye.

Interesting Projects
The Big Guns
Mark’s breakout video was one in which he made the most massive nerf gun in the world. The gun fired foam balls, discs, or darts using an air pressure tank at 64 kilometers per hour.

The Big Guns
Shining Thieves
Mark also invented a glitter bomb to tackle package thieves who bothered him. It looked like an Apple HomePod, but when opened by a thief, it discharged a nauseating spray and enveloped the person in glitter.

Shining Thieves
The Prior World Record
While those experiments were all incredible, the focus is on his elephant paste experiment, which once held the world record before Nick Uhas swooped in with his unbelievable and award-winning garden-sized creation.

The Prior World Record
A Swimming Pool-Sized Project
Mark didn’t use a whole garden, but he did manage to fill up an empty swimming pool. The foam formed immediately once a set of chemicals were combined in the allocated space.

A Swimming Pool Sized Project
A Tasty Trial
His curiosity led him to try something that sounds very enticing to eat for those with a sweet tooth. Mark wanted to fill a pool with one of the most oversized loads of gelatin pudding you could ever imagine.

A Tasty Trial
The Challenge of a Lifetime
No one had ever managed to pull it off successfully, and it required great precision. The problem was getting the gelatin to maintain a stable state on such a large scale.

The Challenge Of A Lifetime
Hot and Cold
The preparation ran a six-month course and required 200 liters of gelatin pudding, which needed to be extraordinarily heated and immediately cooled. Mark needed to equip himself with the setup to pull it off.

Hot And Cold
Great Results
The idea turned out well, and it was the dessert he wanted to create. Before looking back at the gigantic bath bomb, here is some more exciting content for you. Imagine the world’s most massive bubble bath!

Great Results
Fun with Foam
Kenyon, another YouTuber, is also in the habit of building crazy things and trying out ideas. He made a foam production device that he wanted to test out with his friend, whom he told.

Fun With Foam
Covering Everything
The two covered a whole ‘side yard’ and backyard with foam. While that was a fun experience, they also wanted to set a record for the most significant and most impressive bubble bath the world had ever seen.

Covering Everything
The Materials
Before discussing the fun experiment, there’s the matter of the materials that were used. Note that the team was big on recycling, and they’ve been supporting the world movement around it for a very long time.

The Materials
The Foam Party
The first item on the list is trash cans. There were lots of new ones needed. Additionally, numerous water hoses were in the mix. Even a water slide was brought in, and the fun was on!

The Foam Party
The Foam Pit
Another cool experiment was the creation of a foam pit. It required a truckload of foam and five new mattresses. The items needed to create cushioning and fill a whole living room. Even wall barricades were present.

The Foam Pit
Preparing the Room
The furniture and other blockages were cleared for the festivities to happen. Even the ceiling fan was removed to make sure everyone could jump as high as they wanted to without worrying about injuries.

Preparing The Room
Bringing It Together
With all the hindrances out of the way, the stage was set. The truckload of foam arrived, and it was all in fantastic different colors. Everything got heaped into the mounting foam pile.

Bringing It Together
A Beautiful View
Eventually, the living room was nothing but an incredible mix of foams of different colors. The gallery view was the most rewarding, and the pulsating lights topped everything off wonderfully. Now, back to the gigantic bath bomb!

A Beautiful View
Bombs Away!
They wheeled the ball to the edge of the pool using a hand truck, after which one of them pushed it into the water with a great effort. Upon impact, the chemical reaction began to emerge.

Bombs Away!
Into the Fray
The idea was for the bath bomb to work in the same way that its smaller counterparts normally would. Would it dissolve slowly? Was it too large to dissolve at all? Was the time wasted?

Into The Fray
The Happy Result
As the ball fell apart, it sent an explosion of color and aroma throughout the pool! It didn’t dissipate completely, but it changed the whole pool into a dark gray color, which satisfied the team.

The Happy Result
Try Something
The bath bomb may not have gone exactly as expected, but it was a success. Many of these experiments proved that you need to be willing to try if you want to learn. What’s stopping you from trying?

Try Something