Worst Failed Products That Companies Totally Regret Making

Published on October 13, 2020

Each time a company chooses to bring a new product to market, they are taking a chance on it. There are times when the public just isn’t ready for products, but there are times when companies really miss the mark when it comes to assessing consumer needs. These are some of the worst product fails that have got us all saying, “what on earth were they thinking?”

Kitchen Entrees, Colgate

For some reason, in 1982 Colgate decided that it was time to branch out from their line of toothpaste and step into the world of frozen entrees. Not only were these a total failure, Colgate toothpaste sales plummeted after their lines of frozen foods was released.

Kitchen Entrees, Colgate

Kitchen Entrees, Colgate

Office Assistant Clippy, Microsoft

If you ever used Microsoft Word during the 1990’s, you most likely remember Clippy popping up every once in a while while working on your document. Though Clippy had the best intentions, most people agreed that it had one of the worst user interfaces and after Microsoft realized how unpopular it was removed this feature from Word.

Office Assistant Clippy, Microsoft

Office Assistant Clippy, Microsoft