Eyeglass Cleaner
Are you fed up with dirty and foggy glasses? Create an eyeglasses cleaner. You need to mix one part of water, with one part rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Then add a drop of Dawn dish soap. That’s it!

Eyeglass Cleaner
Remove Oil Stains from Driveway
Dawn dish soap is the best solution to remove oil from any surface. If you had an oil leak on your driveway, don’t worry. Scratch the stain with a brush, and add a bit of soap. Then rinse it with water.

Remove Oil Stains from Driveway
Clean Windows
Cleaning windows with dish soap is the sweet secret of all cleaning companies. Swap expensive detergents for the Dawn dish soap to perfectly clean glass. It’s going to leave your windows shiny and smudge free.

Clean Windows
Tool Degreaser
Oil and grease often appear on the tools. Although they seem hard to clean, Dawn dish soap is all you need to make them look like new. Mix a tablespoon of soap with a gallon of water to instantly remove dirt.

Tool Degreaser
Grill Cleaner
Dish soap is great to get rid of oil and grease from any surface, even those as problematic as a grill. Pour water into a bucket, add one or two drops of soap and soak it for 10-15 minutes. Scrub and rinse.

Grill Cleaner
Homemade Bubbles
Preparing bubbles by yourself is fun, and it helps you save money. Just get six cups of water, a cup of Dawn, 1/4 cup of corn syrup, and a container. Mix water with dish soap, add syrup, and enjoy!

Homemade Bubbles
Grout Cleaner For Tile
Cleaning grout is the worst, but this trick could help you: warm a cup of vinegar in the microwave for one minute and add it, along with one tablespoon of Dawn, into a spray bottle. Shake it and start cleaning.

Grout Cleaner For Tile
Create a Cold Compress Bag
Put water with a bit of Dawn dish soap into a zip bag and freeze it. You will get a compress that is cold but not solid. It is perfect for wrapping problematic areas, such as knees, or elbows.

Create A Cold Compress Bag
Fix Your Hair Color
If you dyed your hair at home and got a bit over the top with the darkness of the color, don’t worry. Add dish soap to your shampoo. After a few showers, your hair is going to have a perfect shade.

Fix Your Hair Color
Carpet Cleaner
Carpet cleaning can be expensive. This is why you should first try this method: mix two ounces of hydrogen peroxide with one ounce of dish soap. Spray the problematic area and rub with a brush. Your carpet is going to be like new.

Carpet Cleaner
Remove Soap Scum
To get rid of soap scum from your bathtub, pour Dawn dish soap on dirty areas and let it soak overnight. Rinse it the next day and enjoy a perfectly clean surface—all of this without destroying the material.

Remove Soap Scum
Wash Your Car
You don’t need to take your car to the car wash to make it perfectly clean. To get a shiny surface, mix a tablespoon of Dawn dish soap with a gallon of water, and then clean your car with a soft sponge.

Car Wash
Unclog Your Toilet
In the case of a clogged toilet, don’t rush to call a plumber. First, try this bulletproof method: as a dish soap can break down oils, a mix of hot water and Dawn can flush away a clog.

Toilet Unclogger
Homemade Repellent
If you have a problem with insects, you don’t have to buy special repellent. Mix one spoon of hydrogen peroxide, mouthwash, and Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the area, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Homemade Repellent
Brush Cleaner
Oils and hair products often build upon brushes or combs. You should regularly clean them to keep them hygienic. Fill your sink with hot water and add a bit of dish soap. Let them soak and then rinse with water.

Brush Cleaner
DIY De-Icer
Icy stoops and sidewalks can be really dangerous. To not break your leg, mix a teaspoon of dish soap with a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and a half-gallon of warm water. Pour this mixture on the stoop to prevent re-freezing.

DIY De-Icer
Non-Toxic Pest Repellent
If insects attack your garden, Dawn dish soap is a great non-toxic solution. Mix water with a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. Then sprinkle it on the plants. It is the best solution for spider mites and aphids.

Non-Toxic Pest Repellent
Flea Medication
Flea medication can irritate your dog’s skin. Instead of spending extra money, prepare a warm bath with a cup of Dawn dish soap. Let your dog soak for five minutes, then scrub it and remove fleas with a comb.

Flea Medication
Solve Problem of Oily Face
If your face skin is oily, you don’t have to invest in expensive cosmetics. Few drops of dish soap mixed with warm water can help in your daily routine. Remember to rinse your face with a lot of water after use.

Solve Problem Of Oily Face
Get Rid of Fleas from Your House
If your pet had fleas, most probably, they already live in your carpets. Using a 16-ounce spray bottle with water and a tablespoon of dish soap can help you get rid of them. Sprinkle your carpet, leave for a while, and then vacuum.

Get Rid of Fleas from Your House
Wall and Floor Cleaner
After a while, the floors and walls can get filthy. What you need to make them look new, is a mix of a teaspoon of Dawn, one teaspoon of ammonia, and half a cup of Borax, to two gallons of warm water.

Wall And Floor Cleaner
Insects Prevention
To prevent your house plants from insects, prepare a mixture of a drop of Dawn dish soap with a bit of water. Shake them in a spray bottle, and regularly sprinkle leaves of your plants to keep them safe.

Insects Prevention
Stain Remover
Pour greasy food on your brand new T-shirt or favorite dress? Don’t worry. Dish soap can help with this. Prepare a mix of two tablespoons of Dawn, two spoons of vinegar, and warm water. Pour on stains to dissolve them.

Stain Remover
Daily Shampoo
Using Dawn dish soap instead of shampoo daily is a good solution if you have greasy hair. A few drops of Dawn mixed with water are enough to keep your hair fresh and allow you to save money on shampoo.

Daily Shampoo
Fireplace Cleaner
Stuck-on soot on fireplace bricks doesn’t look great. To get rid of it quickly, prepare a paste made of equal part of Morton salt, and dish soap, mixed with water. 10 minutes is enough to make your fireplace look like new!

Fireplace Cleaner
Paint Remover
It doesn’t matter if you are an artist or a wall painter, dish soap is all you need to remove paint from your body. Pour Dawn on the stained area, let it dry, and then wash it with warm water.

Paint Remover
Clean Car Wheels
After a while of using a car, wheels can get very dirty. To make them look brand new, mix a few drops of dish soap with a bucket of water and clean wheels with a sponge.

Car Wheels
Find a Hole
Finding a hole in a tire can be challenging. To make your life easier, combine a few drops of dish soap with water, and brush your tire with this mixture. Little bubbles should appear where the air is leaking.

Find a Hole
Prevent Yeast Infection
If you ever had a yeast infection, you know how unpleasant they can be. To prevent the yeast from spreading, drop Dawn dish soap your underwear, scrub it with water, and throw it in the washing machine.

Yeast Infection
Insect Prevention
Dawn is great to get rid of insects from your house, but it can also prevent them from entering your apartment. Put a line of dish soap around doors and on thresholds to catch ants before they even get inside.

Insect Prevention
A Perfect Manicure
If you love painting your nails, this solution is right for you. Put your fingers in the bowl with warm water and drop of Dawn liquid soap to soften cuticles and remove oil. After that, your nails are ready for polish!

A Perfect Manicure
Kids’ Pool Cleaner
After the summer season, the plastic swimming pool your kid uses can get very nasty. You should avoid unhealthy bleach. Instead, wash it with a sponge and a bit of dish soap. After a while, it is going to shine!

Kids’ Pool Cleaner
Poison Ivy Remedy
Poison ivy rashes can be hard to heal when the blisters’ oil moves to other areas of your skin. As you know, Dawn dish soap is excellent with oils. Wash the affected skin with it to avoid oil spreading.

Poison Ivy Remedy
Swimming Pool Cleaner
You already know that Dawn is excellent at cleaning the kids’ pool, but you can also use it to wash bigger pools. Pour dish soap into the water to make all dirt move to the edges and make cleaning easier.

Swimming Pool Cleaner
Squeaky Door Lubricant
A squeaky door can be very annoying, but you can fix it faster than you think. Just put a few drops of dish soap on hinges and regain your peace and quiet. Dawn not only cleans, but it also lubricates.

Squeaky Door Lubricant
Tree Savior
You already know the magic mixture against insects: one gallon of water, plus one spoon of Dawn. You can also use it to save your trees from aphids. Sprinkle the mixture on your plants, leave for 15 minutes, and rinse with water.

Tree Savior
Diapers Help
If you are a pro-eco mom or dad, you have, for sure, swapped Pampers for cloth diapers. They are great for the environment but nasty to clean. To make it easier, add few drops of dish soap to your laundry. That helps a lot!

Diapers Help
Jewelry Cleaner
Liquid soap is a perfect solution for tarnished jewelry. Cleaning your earrings, rings, or other jewelry in a mixture of seven parts of water, one part ammonia, and few drops of liquid soap can give them a new life.

Jewelry Cleaner
Kitchen Floor Wash
The kitchen floor can get very greasy. To remove old oily stains and footsteps, cover the floor with a thin layer of Dawn liquid soap. Leave it overnight. The next morning use a mop to wash the floor with water.

Kitchen Floor Wash
Life-Saving Cleaner
Dawn liquid soap can save a life – literally. Animal rescuers use it after an oil spill. It can remove grease without hurting animals’ skin or birds’ feathers. It is also biodegradable and safe for the environment.

Life Saving Cleaner
DIY Ice Pack
One of the best uses for Dawn dish soap is quite useful. If you find yourself in a pinch and in need of an ice pack, simply fill a resealable bag with the soap and water and stick it into the freezer. The soap will prevent the water for completely solidifying, so the ice pack will be malleable and perfect for icing aching joints.

DIY Ice Pack
Clean Brake Dust From Wheels
Dawn dish soap is known for its ability to easily cut right through grease, it’s a safe cleaning agent to use on your car. Mix together a bit of the soap with water and you can sponge down your car’s wheels in order to get a great and gentle clean.

Clean Brake Dust From Wheels
Guide Cables Through Conduits
Everyone knows that guiding cables through small spaces is a very tough task. You can ease this difficulty using a spray bottle filled with a bit of Dawn dish soap and water. Spray a bit on the cable before putting it through the conduit. This will help make sure the cable smoothly travels all the way through.

Guide Cables Through Conduits
Makeup Sponge Cleaner
It is of utmost importance to keep your makeup sponges and brushes clean, and one of the simplest way to do so is with Dawn soap. Mix two cups of warm water and one to two drops of soap and then soap the sponges in the solution for about 30 minutes. Rise and repeat until they’re fully clean. Allow the sponges to dry fully before using them again.

Makeup Sponge Cleaner
Prevent Bathroom Mirror Fog
You know how it goes: after a hot shower, your mirror is rendered unusable for at least 10 minutes due to the steam that’s covered it all up. You can circumvent this whole situation by mixing a little bit of Dawn soap in water and applying it onto the mirror. The film will prevent the fog from sticking to it.

Prevent Bathroom Mirror Fog
Help Eczema
Eczema is a skin condition that plagues many people. While there is still no clear cause for this condition, many swear by washing their skin with Dawn soap. You can try it out and see that if it helps. Always consult with a doctor before trying any skin treatment regimen.

Help Eczema
Clean Tree Sap Off
Anyone who works outdoors chopping wood knows how annoying it is to get tree sap and how difficult it is to get off. Dawn dish soap is the answer! It will cut right through the pesky tree sap.

Clean Tree Sap Off
Remove Makeup Stains
Ever take off your shirt only to nice annoying marks left from makeup? Whether it’s some foundation or a colorful lipstick, don’t despair. Using Dawn dish soap as a pre-stain treatment can help you remove those smeared-on makeup stains.

Remove Makeup Stains
Unstick Gum From Hair
Every once in a while, kids (or even adults) get gum stuck in their hair. You might think you have to cut it out of the hair, but before you get out those shears, first try using some Dawn dish soap. Rub it onto the spot and easily lift the gum out the hair.

Unstick Gum From Hair
Clean Patio Furniture
Every once in a while, it’s important to wash your outdoor patio furniture. There’s no need to buy any specialty cleaner, simply use some Dawn soap, scrub the furniture down, and hose off the soapy residue. Good as new!

Clean Patio Furniture
Catch Fruit Flies
If you’re finding a lot of annoying fruit flies zooming around your home, you might start pulling your hair out. Don’t fuss! You can create a solution using some white vinegar and Dawn soap. They flies will be attracted to the vinegar and the soap will trap them.

Catch Fruit Flies
Clean Pool Filter
Dawn soap is a great pool cleaning solution, but it’s also fantastic for cleaning your pool filter as well. Soak the filter in a solution made up of water, Dawn soap, and baking soda. Let it sit for a bit, then thoroughly rinse it before placing it back in its place.

Clean Pool Filter
Clean Kitchen Cabinets
Tired of that film of grease that always seems to coat your kitchen cabinets? You can easily get rid of this grime by mixing Dawn soap with some water in a spray bottle. Spray the cabinets and wipe them down with a damp cloth. Then dry them with a dry cloth, and your cabinets are grease-free!

Clean Kitchen Cabinets
Remove Sweat Marks
If you find a gross sweat mark strain around the collars or armpits of your shirts, you can easily treat it with Dawn soap. Mix some soap with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and use it as a stain treatment. Wash your shirt and it’ll be as good as new.

Remove Sweat Marks
Clean Your Delicates
It’s always a good idea to hand wash your delicates rather than throwing it in the washing machine. You also don’t need to invest in any fancy detergents. If you’re ever out of your regular detergent, you can absolutely use Dawn dish soap as a replacement.

Clean Your Delicates
DIY Cleaning Bomb
You’ve heard of bath bombs, but what about a cleaning bomb? Mix together a little bit of liquid soap, citric acid, and baking soda. Mix well and mold the mixture into an ice cube tray. Once it’s fully frozen, take one out and toss it into the toilet. Watch the magic fizz clean your toilet immediately.

DIY Cleaning Bomb
Loosen Up Tight Ring
Sometimes rings that once fit us suddenly become too tight, whether it’s due to a significant change in the weather or if your body changes. If you find that your ring is stuck on your finger and won’t budge, rub some Dawn dish soap on it and wash your hands, it will help you be able to slip the ring off.

Loosen Up Tight Ring
Naturally Kill Weeds
No need to spray any nasty chemicals around your garden. Mix together a teaspoon of Dawn soap, a cup of epsom salt, and a gallon of distilled white vinegar. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it as needed in order to kill weeds.

Naturally Kill Weeds
DIY Tie Dye Art
This one is perfect for the kids. Mix together milk and a few drops of food coloring on a plate or on some paper. Next, dip a cotton swab into Dawn dish soap and dip the swab in the center of the plate of food coloring. It looks absolutely amazing!

DIY Tie Dye Art
Blender Cleaner
Sick of stuck-on smoothie residue sticking to the bottom of your blender? Here’s another great use of Dawn dish soap. Add some soap into the blender and add some warm water until the blender is a quarter full. Turn on the blender and watch the residue fly off. Rinse well and you’re done!

Blender Cleaner