There are many stories of people who have parked their cars in unfortunate spaces and thought it was their right to do so. These cases usually involve people refusing to move their vehicles, which is always a frustrating issue. However, in some cases, these people are taught a very valuable lesson that hopefully stops them from doing such a thing again. One can only hope that this is the case for a cop who refused to move his car that happened to be blocking the EMT. What happens next is truly shocking. This is what transpired when this cop refused to move his car for the EMT in questin.
Not Fixed on the Car Crash
The rescuers kept running back and forth to make sure that they had the correct equipment. These rescuers were focused on doing their job right and making sure that everyone was safe. When the police showed up, their vision wasn’t fixed on the car crash.
A Pile Up
A car crash had taken place on the highway, which meant that the road was even more limited than it usually was. There were five police vehicles, two EMTs, and an ambulance on the scene. Not to mention the traffic that was attempting to get through.