The Most Amazing Celebrity Photobombs

Published on August 31, 2020
Celebrities spend a huge amount of their time in front of cameras, while on the red carpet, photoshoots, or even while trying to avoid the paparazzi. But sometimes, celebrities are guilty of photobombing other people’s photos, just like us. The only difference is that when a celebrity shows up in your photo unexpectedly, it’s usually more exciting. Here are the best photos of celebrities popping up in people’s photos unexpectedly.

The Queen of England

These Australian hockey players were stunned when they realized that someone rather well known snuck up behind them in their selfie. That’s right, none other than Her Royal Highness decided to photobomb their picture.

The Queen Of England

The Queen Of England

Wiz Khalifa

Blink and you’ll miss it, but way in the left hand corner of the photo, Wiz Khalifa is just enjoying time with his friend at the country club when he ended up in the table next to his’ group photo. We’re sure the younger people at their table were quite excited about this.

Wiz Khalifa

Wiz Khalifa


Liam Neeson

Talk about good timing! Big Star Sandwich were always big fans of actor Liam Neeson, and they decided to include him as part of an ad campaign, little did they know that he would happen to walk by and see the sign. He was nice enough to pose with it!

Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson


Benedict Cumberbatch

Who says celebrities aren’t just like us? Photobombing people’s photos is a fun hobby for many people, including Benedict Cumberbatch who decided to jump on this opportunity to be in a red carpet photo with the members of U2.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch


Dwayne Johnson

This guy was minding his business, walking down the street when suddenly he spotted Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. As we all know, Johnson is an extremely busy man, so while the guy asked for a photo with us, he didn’t stop moving but he did join the guy’s selfie while on the go.

Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson



We often tend to idealize our celebrities and forget that they are just fellow humans who have good and bad days. While this guy was super excited to meet Rihanna, it looks like she would rather be left alone. It was nice of her to still take a photo with this guy!




Paul Rudd

We really don’t blame Paul Rudd for wanting to join in on a photo opportunity with model Heidi Klum. He looks just as nervous as anyone would be while standing this close to the beautiful German supermodel!

Paul Rudd

Paul Rudd


Jack Black and Dustin Hoffman

Funnyman Jack Black and actor Dustin Hoffman decided to mess with Angelina Jolie while she was posing on the red carpet. Luckily, it seems like the three are good friends and Angelina was entertained by their crazy shenanigans.

Jack Black And Dustin Hoffman

Jack Black And Dustin Hoffman


Jake Gyllenhaal

This couple was out for a romantic dinner when they decided to commemorate their fun evening with a photo. What they didn’t know was the Jake Gyllenhaal was dining at the table next to theirs, and that he decided to make an appearance in their couple photo.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal


Kanye West

It’s not every day that you bump into superstar rapper and fashion designer Kanye West, so it’s no wonder that these boys were beyond excited to take a photo with him. Kanye, on the other hand, was probably sick and tired of taking photos non-stop while out that day. Hey, at least he agreed to be in the photo at all.

Kanye West

Kanye West


Bill Murray

It seems like actor and comedian Billy Murray seems to wander into people’s photos all the time. Luckily this girl was quite happy that he showed up at her event and that he popped into a photo with her.

Bill Murray

Bill Murray


Nicolas Cage

You might not recognize the bespectacled man, but he is a famous DJ named Deadmau5. Knowing that, you’ll realize that he was trying to take a photo when Nicholas Cage happened to be sitting nearby in a perfect photobombing opportunity.

Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage


Matt Garza

This girl, who is clearly a huge Milwaukee Brewers fan, was excited to be seated to close to the dugout that she wanted to take a photo there. Little did she know that Brewers player Matt Garza wanted to make her day by popping in to the photo. We’re sure she freaked out after she realized this!

Matt Garza

Matt Garza


Daniel Radcliffe

Every fan of the Harry Potter series would be ecstatic to bump into Daniel Radcliffe. This girl was shocked when he decided to take her phone and snap a quick selfie with her. As you can she, the girl is quite spellbound.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe


Bill Clinton

This poor little girl looks so tired and ready to go home, but her parents have dragged her around Washington D.C. and the day isn’t over yet. Her parents wanted to take a photo of her when someone pretty famous decided to make an appearance. Though this girl is having a miserable time, we’re sure her parents were excited they snapped a photo of her with a former president.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton


Bill Murray

Here we see yet another example of Bill Murray showing up uninvited into people’s photos. Luckily, he’s such a likable guy that it’s okay! Selena Gomez’s glamour shot might be ruined, but at least she’s entertained.

Bill Murray

Bill Murray


Peter Dinklage

Fans were lined up at the barricade of the X-Men: Days of Future Past film premiere, minding their own business when Peter Dinklage of Game of Thrones fame showed up. The actor decided to snap a selfie with ecstatic fans while passing them.

Peter Dinklage

Peter Dinklage


Arnold Schwarzenegger

This family was excited to snap a group photo in front of the iconic Eiffel tower when someone on a bike decided to stop directly in front of the camera. They got annoyed until they realized who decided to ruin their photo, none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger himself.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage seems to have a special talent for showing up unexpectedly in people’s photos. This woman was trying to pick up a bottle of her favorite wine when Cage showed up out of nowhere.

Nicolas Cage Again

Nicolas Cage Again



This woman who is a huge fan of Slash had absolutely no idea that her idol was literally right behind her. We’re not sure how she happened to be wearing a Slash shirt while he showed up out of nowhere, but let’s just say it was a rock n’ roll miracle.




Justin Timberlake

These boys were having a great time together at the Justin Timberlake concert they were attending together, so they decided to snap a photo together. Their timing was spot-on, as Timberlake himself noticed the photo opp and decided to pose in the picture with them

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake


Samuel L. Jackson

Celebrities must get so tired of taking photo with random people that they’ve come up with ways to keep it interesting. Samuel L. Jackson decided to go for funny poses, like he did with this guy.

Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson


Ed Sheeran

This photo is quite confusing, as it is unclear who is actually doing the photobombing in this case. Is it singer Ed Sheeran, the guy behind him, or the hawk in the photo? Either way, this is quite the epic photo.

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran


Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne is known for her hilarious and quirky personality, so it comes at no surprise that she decided to photobomb Sienna Miller while the two were on the red carpet. We’re sure that Sienna got her back eventually!

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne


Steven Tyler

This woman was out on her usual errands, expecting things to go as normal, when she suddenly realized rock legend Steven Tyler was right there next to her. She wanted to snap a sneaky photo, but unfortunately Tyler noticed at the last second.

Steven Tyler

Steven Tyler


Jared Leto

Jared Leto is known for his dedication to his acting through the method acting. Here we still him practicing for a youthful and silly role, as he took the opportunity to photobomb Anne Hathaway’s photos on the Oscars red carpet.

Jared Leto

Jared Leto


Daniel Craig

Taylor Swift is known for cultivating friendships with other famous ladies. As she snapped this selfie with her Victoria’s Secret model friend, they had no idea that Daniel Craig was lurking quietly nearby and jumped on the opportunity to photobomb their picture.

Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig


Robert Pattinson

Though he’s known for playing a vampire who wouldn’t show up in photos, Robert Pattinson popped into this unsuspecting man’s photo. You can clearly see that the fan didn’t even realize what was going on while the photo was being taken.

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson


Aaron Paul

It’s clear that Aaron Paul and his Breaking Bad co-star Bryan Cranston are great friends. So much so that Paul feels quite comfortable photobombing Cranston’s rather dapper Emmy’s red carpet photo. We’re sure they both laughed about it together afterwards.

Aaron Paul

Aaron Paul


Bruce Springsteen

There’s nothing quite like heading to your favorite singer’s concert and getting front row seats. It’s great when you can actually see the performer’s face at the show. This girl wanted to take a family selfie when Bruce Springsteen noticed and decided to join in on the photo.

Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen


Ryan Gosling

Celebrities are just like us, and even Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner gets starstruck by her favorite celebrities. She decided to take this adoring fan photo with Ryan Gosling in the background. Although, we’re sure if she asked him he’d happily take a photo with her.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling


Zach Braff

It’s quite annoying when you’re taking photos, and especially wedding photos, when strangers walk directly into your pictures and ruin them. The only exception to this rule is when celebrities photobomb your pictures, like Zach Braff walking into this couple’s wedding photos in the middle of New York City.

Zach Braff

Zach Braff


Prince Harry

There’s nothing like heading to your favorite sporting events with your friends. Well, except for when you decide to take a photo together only to realize later that none other than Prince Harry has decided to join in on the photo opportunity in the background.

Prince Harry

Prince Harry


Adam Sandler

You might think your eyes are tricking you, is this a photo with a young Adam Sandler and present day Adam Sandler? How is this possible? Well, that young man is not actually Adam Sandler, but just someone who looks an awful lot like him. Even Sandler himself agrees!

Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler


Tina Fey and Michael C. Hall

Mariska Hargitay thought she was just posing in a normal red carpet photo, but she had no idea at all of what was going on behind her. First, Tina Fey decided to photobomb her picture, meanwhile Dexter star Michael C. Hall was caught looking quite confused in the background.

Tina Fey And Michael C. Hall

Tina Fey And Michael C. Hall


Prince William

It looks like all of the Royals have a great time with showing up unexpectedly in people’s photos, and Prince William is no exception. These kids were absolutely stunned with the Prince showed up in their selfie. This is one picture they’ll certainly never forget.

Prince William

Prince William


Oscar Isaac

Adam Driver is known for being a committed and hard working actor. We can see just how focused he is here on the red carpet for the Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiere. Meanwhile, his co-star Oscar Isaac took the opportunity to have some fun in the background.

Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac


Nicholas Cage, Tired

Nicholas Cage just seems to show up everywhere. In this case, we’re totally on his side. We also get extremely sleep while on flights, and it is certainly not the ideal time for taking photos. We still admire the fact that he agreed to take this selfie at all.

Nicholas Cage, Tired

Nicholas Cage, Tired


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Again

Arnold Schwarzenegger probably takes the cake when it comes to showing up unexpectedly in photos. It’s unclear what exactly is going on in this photo, but Arnold makes himself right at home, strolling by with his cigar ready on hand.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Again

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Again


Jimmy Fallon and Cameron Diaz

These tourists were so excited for their first trip to New York City. They decided to commemorate their day by taking a photo atop a building with a great view of the city. Little did they know that Jimmy Fallon and Cameron Diaz joined in on the fun behind them.

Jimmy Fallon and Cameron Diaz

Jimmy Fallon and Cameron Diaz