Camera-Shy Creatures Who Really Didn’t Want Their Photos Taken

Published on October 1, 2020
Being a wildlife photographer is an incredibly exciting and rewarding profession to make a living from. You are given the opportunity to spend your days earning money in nature while photographing some of the world’s most extraordinary creatures. A majority of these animals love having their picture taken and pose for their 15 minutes of fame. However, others have a more shy nature and hide from the camera lens. Sometimes, hiding isn’t enough, and these creatures need to put drastic measures in place to ensure the photographer doesn’t get the desired shot. These are some of the best ways camera-shy creatures have tried to avoid being snapped.

A Curious Fox

This photographer was reviewing his shots when a curious fox couldn’t help himself and snuck behind to get a peek at the photographer’s pictures. Our bet is that the fox was the subject of these photos and wanted to make sure his photographer was getting the right angles.

A Curious Fox

A Curious Fox

No More Photographing

One thing you don’t expect as a nature photographer is the subject of your capturing trying to distract you from your work. Our best guess is that this seal got tired of the photographer taking pictures and thought the best thing to do was climb on him.

No More Photographing

No More Photographing


A Cute Distraction

It’s not every day that a nature photographer gets the opportunity to see and photograph wild cheetah cubs. Well, this nature photographer had an even more extraordinary experience when a baby cheetah climbed on his back to distract him from snapping pictures.

A Cute Distraction

A Cute Distraction


The Challenges of Getting the Perfect Snapshot

Being a photographer requires you to have a significant amount of creative, technical skills, and a laser focus in order to capture the perfect shot. However, being a nature photographer requires all this along with the ability to conduct work with cute creatures surrounding you.

The Challenges Of Getting The Perfect Snapshot

The Challenges Of Getting The Perfect Snapshot


Very Close Encounters

It was just an ordinary day for this nature photographer until a far-too friendly cheetah arrived. It seems that this friendly kitty is intrigued by the photographer’s large camera lens. However, one sudden move and the cheetah’s natural instincts may prevail.

Very Close Encounters

Very Close Encounters


Can I Eat It?

The wintertime is cold, and food is scarce. This leaves many of the animals’ hungry and rummaging around for food. This fox was one of these animals and was inspecting the photographer’s camera to see if it was a worthy meal.

Can I Eat It

Can I Eat It?


Play Time

Some animals really don’t understand when it’s time to play and time to work. This was particularly the case for a young, playful tiger who saw the photographer nearby. Time for work was over when the wild cat climbed onto the man’s back to initiate playtime.

Play Time

Play Time


In The Middle

This photoshoot turned into a pretty severe event once this man looked to his left and then his right. Before he knew it, he was lodged in-between two massive, brown bears. Luckily, the man was able to remain cool and calm.

In The Middle

In The Middle


Wanting Attention

Unlike most of the animals on this list, this bird found itself wanting its picture taken. The bird decided the best way to gain this photographer’s attention would be to place itself on top of the man’s head. This strategy most definitely gained the man’s attention.

Wanting Attention

Wanting Attention


What’s This?

Wild animals aren’t familiar with the technology that we have, and photographers bringing these types of devices (cameras) into the wild can shock most animals. Some are frightened by these objects. However, this wasn’t the case for this curious creature that stuck its nose right in it.

What’s This?

What’s This?


Hide and Seek

The wild things photographers do to get the best shot come in the job description. One method of getting the most captivating moment on camera is hiding from the subject’s sight. However, this fox wasn’t letting the photographer go unnoticed.

Hide And Seek

Hide And Seek



Sometimes animals need a break too. They don’t have the privilege of automated transport, so the next best thing would be to climb on the backs of humans as a way to get around. Either that or the photographer had nuts in his backpack.




A Helping Hand

A photographer spotted a family of meerkats and thought he could snap the perfect photo. However, the meerkats had their backs to the photographer. Luckily, one meerkat got the attention of the rest when it sat on the photographer’s back.




Tricky Animals

What is it about photography and foxes? It seems that foxes are very inquisitive about cameras and always feel the need to inspect these devices. However, this fox is taking a different approach and looks to be sneaking up to the photographer to play some sort of trick.

Tricky Animals

Tricky Animals


Kiss the Photographer

It’s unclear what kind of animal this is. We aren’t sure if it’s a baby weasel, but one thing we know for sure is that it’s absolutely adorable. This animal’s cuteness was amplified when it tried to sneak a kiss from the photographer between shots.

Kiss The Photographer

Kiss The Photographer


Don’t Leave Things Lying Around

This lion was roaming around when it found a camera lying around. We wonder what happened to the photographer, but the lioness does look to be strutting a very proud trot. We wonder what this lioness is going to decide to take snapshots of with its new prize.

Don’t Leave Things Lying Around

Don’t Leave Things Lying Around


This Doesn’t Belong Here

This might be the way the lion got the camera in the previous slide. It’s unclear if this is the same camera or lion, but it would explain a lot. Let this be a lesson to any aspiring nature photographers, don’t leave your cameras around because theft doesn’t just happen in the human world.

This Doesn’t Belong Here

This Doesn’t Belong Here


Watch and Learn

It looks as if the wild is tired of seeing all these nature photographers invading and is fighting back. The animals have been observing for a while. It now seems as if they are ready to put all this watching into doing.

Watch And Learn

Watch And Learn


No Distractions

This lady takes her job very seriously, and nothing is going to stop her from snapping the perfect picture, not even a large wolf. It seems this photographer was far too busy snapping away to realize that this wolf was trying to get her attention.

No Distractions

No Distractions


Everyone is Getting Involved

From what we have gathered, the foxes have watched the photographers at work and have shared their findings with the lions. These lions have now spread the news to the mice. It looks as if the whole animal kingdom is interested in photography!

Everyone Is Getting Involved

Everyone Is Getting Involved


Say Cheese

It’s hard to believe that this isn’t photoshopped. The fox looks like a natural behind the camera. Who knows, your next wedding may feature a fox as the photographer. Watch out, freelancers! It’s time to update your skills because the animal kingdom is catching up.

Say Cheese

Say Cheese


What Does This Thing Do?

Can you imagine taking a break from wildlife shooting, only to come back and find one of your subjects looking to take over the operation? You wouldn’t believe it if there wasn’t photographic evidence. It’s lucky this photographer had a spare camera to capture the moment.

What Does This Thing Do

What Does This Thing Do


Goodbye, Camera

Usually, when someone doesn’t want their picture taken, they kindly ask you to stop snapping. However, this wasn’t the case for an impatient lion who resorted to stealing the camera. What can you do in that situation other than hope your insurance covers this type of theft.

Goodbye Camera

Goodbye Camera


A Life-Threatening Job

Wildlife photographers put their lives on the line to get the perfect shots. Sometimes, these photographers are pushed into life-threatening situations. That’s why it’s so essential for these photographers to be on their toes continually, or else who knows what could happen.

A Life Threatening Job

A Life Threatening Job


This Looks Cool

Now it seems that the foxes, lions, and mice have spread their knowledge and love for photography onto the beavers. This particular beaver looks to be in complete amazement over what it’s viewing. We can only imagine what it must be thinking.

This Looks Cool

This Looks Cool


Taking Applications

It’s time for wildlife photographers to start outsourcing. Who knows the wild better than the animals living in it? We recommend the first application you take should be from this professional-looking fox who seems to know his way around a camera.

Taking Applications

Taking Applications


Time to Shine

Monkeys are known for being drawn to cameras. They love being the center of attention and for everyone to be snapping photos of them. This apparently isn’t the case for this guy who has decided that he’d rather be behind the lens.

Time To Shine

Time To Shine


A Photography Partner

Every photographer needs a little helping hand. Sometimes, this helping hand turns out to be the mere animal you were meant to be shooting. It doesn’t look like the creature seems to mind. In fact, it seems perfectly content helping behind-the-scenes.

A Photography Partner

A Photography Partner


No More Pictures

Many celebrities find it infuriating having their picture taken against their will and act accordingly. Animals get the same way, and this squirrel is no different. The squirrel decided that enough was enough and quickly called the photoshoot off by blocking the photographer’s lens.

No More Pictures

No More Pictures


It’s Time to Run

This photo is the perfect example of how far some (or close) photographers go to get that perfect shot. However, it also shows how far animals can go to avoid their photo being taken. In cases like this, it’s time for the photographers to call it quits for the day and run for their lives.

It’s Time to Run

It’s Time to Run


Hungry Animals

Sloths are seen as adorable animals. This reputation could come from their good nature or slow behavior. However, it doesn’t seem like a good idea to mess with one, especially not the one in the picture. This sloth looks ready to eat the camera.

Hungry Animals

Hungry Animals


Mother and Child

Shooting a mother-child photo can be quite challenging. All kids seem to want to do is goof around. Apparently, this is the same in the animal world. The calf is seen biting the mother, while the mother tries to shield its baby from the photographer.

Mother And Child

Mother And Child


Polar Booth

It’s no longer called a photo booth when a polar bear invades this space. It seems that photographers were trying to find the best place to secretly take pictures of the wildlife. We doubt they thought their operation would be compromised by one of the subjects.

Polar Booth

Polar Booth


A Disturbed Nap Time

No-one likes being forced to take their photo after just waking up. It can put you in a seriously bad mood. This is the case for this cute Siberian tiger cub. It looks like this cub’s sleep was disturbed, which has led to this baby refusing to pose for photos.

A Disturbed Nap Time

A Disturbed Nap Time


An Iconic Shot

It’s well-known that kangaroos are temperamental animals, and it’s a risky business when you try to mess with one. We’re sure that this photographer has learned his lesson since their photograph was taken, and hopefully, it’s been a warning for others.

An Iconic Shot

An Iconic Shot


Taking Turns

We’ve all seen girls taking turns photographing one another, trying to get the best pictures for their Instagram. Who knew the animal kingdom was so similar? This couple seems to be snapping photos of one another. We can only wonder where these are going to be posted.

Taking Turns

Taking Turns


Dodging the Camera

Sometimes stealing the camera isn’t an option, but you still don’t want any photos taken. Instead of just standing there, this elephant ran for the hills as soon as it caught a glimpse of a photographer. It seems this elephant was very camera-shy.

Dodging The Camera

Dodging The Camera



A good photographer sometimes takes the approach to embody their subjects. However, in many cases, this goes a bit too far. One can argue that this photographer crossed the line with this idea, but we can’t judge until we see the end product.




Launching a Weapon

An important note to any nature photographers out there that are yet to come across this funny dancing animal is to not watch in amusement. This is not something you want to mess with, and our best suggestion is to run before this skunk let’s rip.

Launching A Weapon

Launching A Weapon


I’m Invisible

This lion was not feeling ready for the camera today. Instead of running away or threatening to steal the camera, this lion decided that the best course of action would be the ‘if I can’t see them, they can’t see me” mentality. Did it work?

I’m Invisible

I’m Invisible