Now That It’s A New Year, It’s Time To Clean These Things

Published on January 1, 2023
Every time January rolls around, many people commit to New Year’s resolutions that may or may not come to fruition. We’re not asking you to come up with a list on how to improve your life, but we do have some suggestions for things for you to clean, as these are oft neglected and overlooked. What better than to take the new year as an opportunity to get it done and start the year off right?

Put the Decor Away

Now that the holiday season is behind us, it’s time to put all of the decor away. If you take the time to do it properly, you can store everything neatly and in a way that will make your life easier next year when the holidays come rolling around once again. Wash any textiles before putting them away, and carefully wrap up any delicate items.

Put The Decor Away

Put The Decor Away

Bathroom Deep Clean

While most of us do a regular clean of the bathroom every once in a while, when was the last time you really cleaned the heck out of your bathroom? This is a wonderful opportunity to do just that. Get yourself a sturdy pair of gloves and your preferred cleaning supplies and get to work. You can clean all the spaces that you normally don’t pay attention to here as well.

Bathroom Deep Clean

Bathroom Deep Clean

Declutter and Toss

The holidays usually mean a lot of gifts, and many times we end up with things that we don’t really want or need that will just take up space for no reason. Why not sort through these things and then donate them right at the beginning of the year in order to avoid to accumulation of these things? You can also take the opportunity to declutter the things you have been putting off and donate everything all at once.

Declutter And Toss

Declutter And Toss

Clean Hard Surfaces

A great way to start things off right is to clean all of the hard surfaces in your home. It can start with the kitchen counters and tables but can move on to things you don’t normally think about like faucets, door knobs, computers, cell phones, laptops, and bookshelves. These things are definitely overlooked on a regular basis so it’s good to give them attention at least once a year.

Clean Hard Surfaces

Clean Hard Surfaces

Tackle Maintenance

There are plenty of things around the house that need a once-a-year maintenance check. That can include checking dryer vents, cleaning electronics, cleaning blinds and windowsills, checking HVAC filters, cleaning up fridge messes (okay, maybe this needs to be more than once a year), and so on. It can be really annoying to deal with this, so why not concentrate everything once a year and get it over with until next year?

Tackle Maintenance

Tackle Maintenance