Heidi And Ed
Little Heidi
Heidi Parker was the kind of child who many other children wished to be. She had a happy family that gave her wonderful experiences that she could cherish for a lifetime. Many of these came from fun summer vacations that were a family tradition. Despite all the fun she was having, she consistently made her parents proud as she performed very well academically. Additionally, Heidi was the definition of an all-rounder, as she was involved in various sports during school.

Heidi Parker
College Life
After her wonderful childhood ended, Heidi proceeded through the school system and took the decision to pursue higher education at the college level. The college she attended was the New Castle University, and she had her sights set on two programs. Her aim was to end with a dual degree in both Management and Economics. Even at this stage, Heidi was quite adept at her academic ventures. She couldn’t afford the expense of a college dorm, so she found herself an apartment.

College Dorm
Her Financial Status
Heidi ended up moving with a few of her close friends while she attended college. She had lived in dorms for the first few years, but it really wasn’t an affordable option. Additionally, a college student can’t exactly afford to pay for an apartment on her own, which is the reason for her decision to split expenses with people she could trust. During her time living with her friends and attending school, she continuously saved money and got her own one-bedroom apartment after a few years.

Heidi And Friends
The Beginning of the Future
Sometimes in life, things happen that people don’t realize have implications for the future. In Heidi’s case, she was about to meet a stranger that was about to change her future for the better. Long after getting her first apartment, it was time for Heidi to move again. After her move, she had to meet with the new tenants of the place she was moving out of to hand over the keys. Little did she know one of these men was about to become very special to her.

Heidi Smiles With Ed
The Interaction
The funny thing about the meeting with these strangers is that there was not even a slight indication of anything being special or out of the ordinary. It wasn’t anything more than a meeting to pass on a necessary item. There was no attempting to learn about each other or much discussion. The keys were handed over, both parties wished each other luck, and that was the end of it. This comes as no surprise, considering moving can be such a challenging process.

Ed With Heidi
New Place Excitement
While Heidi was not focused on the tenants in her old place, one thing she was very much focused on was the sheer excitement that she was feeling about moving into her very own place. For her, this apartment was everything that she ever dreamed of. It had all the makings of the happy place that she could stamp her identity on. So, once she finished moving in, she proceeded to add all the little touches she could to truly make the place hers.

Heidi Looking Excited
In the Mood for Love
The excitement that came with Heidi slowly died down with each passing day. She managed to create the sanctuary that she wanted, but as time passed, she began to realize how lonely she was in it. She had the experience of living with roommates, and she also lived on her own for some time. She knew that none of those experiences were what she craved. She wanted a partner. She wanted a companion. Heidi set out to look for love!

The Scene Heidi Craved
A while after Heidi settled into her new place, she got a call that seemed to be out of left field. Unknown to her, this call was the beginning of a serendipitous experience for her. The call came from one of the two men whom she had met while moving out of the old apartment. Since there was not much conversation that took place between them and she hadn’t given any of them her number, she was a bit shocked at the call.

Heidi Parker Smiling
It turns out that the landlord of Heidi’s old place gave the man her number because he had a query that only she could assist him with. It turns out that Heidi’s old washing machine had quite a bit of personality, and it required a few special steps to get it going. The procedure was so complex that Heidi knew it couldn’t be explained over the phone. Therefore, she decided to take a trip to her old place to teach him in person.

A Washing Machine
A Successful Lesson
When she went to her old apartment, she was greeted by a hearty apology as the man felt bad for causing her to have to take such a trip just for his washing machine problem. He told her that he was really trying to make it work, but it just didn’t respond to anything he did. Heidi had no issue at all with the commute she had to make, and she managed to explain the process successfully. It only took him a few tries to nail it.

Heidi With A Bag In Hand
While the man was very grateful for all the assistance that Heidi had provided, he still was not very happy about the fact that he caused her to travel all the way to his apartment just to help him out with an appliance. To show gratitude and courtesy, he offered her some coffee, which she accepted. They stuck up a conversation as she sipped the coffee, and they discovered that they had many shared interests. This led to the decision to meet again.

A Heidi Selfie
Heidi recalls beginning to fall for the man around the time when they shared the coffee; however, it seems as if she was beaten to the punch in this regard. In his case, he felt himself falling for Heidi the moment she entered his residence to assist him with the washing machine issue. Their mutual feeling is the reason for their decision to meet again after their chat. The first date was a success, and it led to dozens more thereafter.

Cupid Is Said To Spark Love
Who Is Ed Savitt?
The man that Heidi began to fall for is none other than Ed Savitt, and he was the answer to her need for love though she didn’t know it. The funny thing is that Ed was also a student at New Castle University, and they had never met previously. The coincidence continues as he was also a double major as she was. However, Ed’s program choices were different from Heidi’s as he studied Business and Psychology. It was as if they were meant to find each other.

Ed Savitt
Kay Parker
Kay Parker is Heidi’s mom, and the two have always maintained a very close relationship. A part of this relationship is Heidi’s sharing of any exciting happenings in her life. Love is one such exciting happening, and so she shared the news with her mom at the earliest convenience. Her mom heard just about everything about Ed. Kay was always known to be a supportive mother in every facet of Heidi’s life, and her daughter’s love life was no exception.

Kay And Heidi Parker
A Mother’s Love
While Kay is a supportive mother, she’s also a caring one. Therefore, she always evaluates any danger that her daughter’s passion could bring. This meant that she had to ensure that Ed was a suitable partner for Heidi. Heidi tended to get attached to people quickly, which meant that she was very susceptible to being hurt by the wrong person. While Kay knew this, she was not the type to stand in the way of her daughter’s happiness for seemingly no reason.

Heidi Poses With Kay
Shared Interests
It had been some time since Heidi and Ed began to fall for each other, and the feelings grew stronger than ever. They continued to date, and their love continued to grow with each passing day. The discovery process was also moving along quite well. Their first conversation revealed many shared interests, and they had begun to act on them. This led to the choice of activities that they were both into being done sometimes when they spent time with each other.

Heidi Poses With Ed
Going Public
Having shared interests is one thing, and the truth is that most couples do. What is very coincidental about Heidi and Ed is that they both seemed to dislike the same things as well. For example, while they were both sports fans, they both hated literature and art. For them, this was just an indication of their being a perfect match. There came a time when they accepted that they belonged to each other, and this was when they went public with the relationship.

Ed And Heidi Stand Together
The College Couple
The couple was labeled by friends as “college sweethearts.” Of course, they were called this because they developed this relationship as they finished college. Both Heidi and Ed loved their new title, and it was just one of many reasons that they became increasingly inseparable. They were together every chance they got, and this led to a quick passing of time. The college year seemed to pass by quickly, and it was time to focus on their careers. They were ready to chase dreams together.

Heidi And Ed In Excitement
Wrapping College Up
As they had discussed before, they would take on the world’s challenges together. This is exactly what they did when college ended, and this allowed them to get their lives in order rather quickly. Heidi became a Sony PR Manager while Ed opened a coffee shop. Regardless of the adversities they faced, they stuck together and supported each other. They eventually moved in together, saved, and decided to settle down. This decision meant that it was time for them to meet each other’s families.

Heidi And Ed On An Outing
Dinner Time
This was a true night of nervousness for the happy couple. It had been a while since there was anything that could have such a tremendous impact on the future of their relationship. Ed and Heidi invited their moms, Fiona and Kay to dinner. The couple hoped for everything to go well, which could only be confirmed by the blessing of the moms. Fortunately, everything went flawlessly, and both moms hit it off. Heidi announced that she and Ed intended to spend their lives together.

Kay Parker
The Blessing Received
Kay was really concerned about Ed and if he was the right fit for her daughter. After meeting him and his mom, she let go her fears as she believed that he was genuinely the right guy for Heidi. Fiona also approved of the union and discovered that she and Kay coincidentally shared similar interests. The discussion spanned a lot of topics of mutual interests, but the one that came next stood out and gave Kay a strange feeling about Ed.

Ed Hugs Heidi
Sailors Galore
As things progressed, Kay and Fiona began to share coincidental information as their children had previously done. Just as Ed and Heidi had a blast discovering their shared passions, their moms were doing the same thing. Various stories and adventures came up during the discussion, and both moms strangely shared a passion for sailing. It seems that both families made a hobby of sailing during holidays. Nothing could prepare anyone for what they were about to discover through exploration and reflection.

Family Outing
A Fateful Vacation
As stories were exchanged, Kay decided to share one about a vacation that the family took when Heidi was just 6-years old. This vacation was to Gumbet, Turkey, and it lasted for two weeks. Kay shared that during the vacation, Heidi and a 6-year-old boy became inseparable. The two did various activities together, held hands, and even began to use the terms “girlfriend” and “boyfriend.” Unsurprisingly, Ed was not too excited at the prospect of hearing about any “boyfriend” in Heidi’s past.

Heidi And Ed Pose
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Contrary to her son’s feelings, Fiona seemed to enjoy the story about the little boy from Heidi’s past. One strange detail that Kay recalled was that the little boy’s name was also Ed. Even with the unlikelihood of this detail, the conversation didn’t revolve around the similarities too long and went in another direction. However, Kay had a funny feeling about the name that she just couldn’t shake. During the conversation, Ed and Heidi revealed their intention to be married by the year’s end.

Heidi Shows Her Ring
A Research Project
Kay was elated that Heidi chose a man who was such a pleasant soul. While he embodied all the characteristics she envisioned for her daughter’s husband, there was something about him that was both strange and familiar. It was a feeling that continued to eat at her, and the only way she could shake it was to pay attention to it. Kay decided to embark on a mission to find out more about Ed to see if she could gain any further clarity.

Heidi And Ed Having A Beach Day
Getting Backup
Kay had thought that she might find some information by virtue of her research project to help her establish the missing link, but she came up with naught. It had been days since the dinner, and she got nowhere. She decided to reach out to Fiona for assistance, and the two embarked on the journey of discovery together. Unfortunately, their combined efforts didn’t make much of a difference. One day, however, as Kay cleaned her storage room, she found just what the pair needed for confirmation.

Ed And Heidi Having Crazy Fun
Wedding Cleaning
There’s usually a lot of clutter created by weddings, and a cleanup job is usually required to help minimize this. Also, there are usually items that need to be stored away, and that requires storage space. Kay agreed to clean her storage room ahead of the wedding, but she had an ulterior motive. She found an old photo album that she admitted she knew was lying around in the room. She wanted to use the album as a lead in her search for answers.

Heidi And Ed Play Dress Up
The Investigation
Though Kay was supposed to be cleaning out the storage room in preparation for the wedding, she immediately halted the cleaning operation upon discovering the album. To her, this was the key to discovering who Ed really was. Therefore, she started flipping through the dusty pages, as she focused on her investigative journalism. When she got to the section that held the Gumbet pictures, she proceeded slowly. Soon, Kay saw a photo that made her understand why she had a strange feeling about Ed.

Heidi And Ed Enjoying Drinks
A Stunning Revelation
Kay saw a photo that featured 6-year-old Heidi, and the boyfriend she had met during the vacation. Kay was overcome with shock after seeing the photo as she couldn’t fathom the level of coincidence. It turns out that the 6-year-old boy named Ed was the same Ed that Heidi was now about to marry all these years later. Kay describes what she felt as being unreal. She was now more certain than ever that Ed was the one for Heidi.

Little Heidi And Ed
It’s One Ed
While Kay was very excited, she still couldn’t believe that this was happening. She ensured that they went through the photos she had with a fine-toothed comb to ensure that she wasn’t mistaken. The more she did, however, the more it became apparent that this was the same Ed from all those years ago. Kay recounted how happy Ed seemed to make Heidi back then, and it seemed as if he was gearing up to do the same thing yet again.

Young Ed
Kay’s album contained numerous photos of the pair of children during the vacation. One thing that stood out to her was the fact that both children sported huge smiles on their faces in every photo. There was genuine happiness shining from within them. She has no doubt that even at 6-years old, Heidi and Ed knew and felt what love was. Kay discovered all this alone, so she had to let Ed and Heidi know about it. However, there was someone else to inform first.

Recreating A Childhood Memory
While Kay intended to share the news with Heidi and Ed, she decided to tell Fiona first. Not only was Fiona’s family a part of the exciting mystery, but she did her best to help Kay when the reveal initially came out. After seeing the pictures that Kay had discovered, it was as if a light bulb went off in Fiona’s head. She began to recount numerous details from the trip and was pleasantly surprised to see a younger version of Ed with Heidi all those years ago.

Fiona Sits And Smiles
Telling the Lovebirds
Now that Fiona knew, Heidi and Ed were the only ones who were left. When Heidi saw the pictures, she had to sit down to absorb the weight of the discovery. It soon became huge news for both families, which caused even more memories to spring forth. In fact, Ed’s family searched for their own photo album, which had about five more photos of the couple during the vacation. Kay’s discovery was a huge milestone, and it served to bring Heidi and Ed even closer together.

Heidi And Ed Smile Together
Total Disbelief
This isn’t the kind of story that you casually hear daily. In fact, it’s the kind of thing that seems to only exist in the world of fiction, but here it was happening in real life. Before all this happened, the couple credited the start of their relationship to the washing machine incident and the discussion over coffee. However, the origin of the story hard started much earlier than anyone realized. Heidi, like Kay, felt as if this was just more confirmation that she was meant to be with Ed.

Ed And Heidi Hanging Out
A Story of Fate
Before all this took place, Heidi was not the type of person who believed in concepts such as destiny or fate. For her, things simply happened, and there was nothing to it. However, her experience with Ed has caused her to shift her perspective on these matters. She stated that there is no doubt that the two of them were brought together by fate. She does not believe that it is a coincidence that she randomly met and fell for the same person twice.

Heidi And Ed In Church
Different Views
While everyone in the scenario believed that there was more than mere coincidence at play, Kay and the couple look at the turnout of events in different ways. For Kay, there was a subconscious event that bred familiarity. She believes that when they met as adults, their minds established a subliminal link. The couple prefers not to think too deeply about the situation. For them, it is nothing more than a confirmation that the right choice was made on both ends.

Heidi And Ed At The Altar
Wedding Bells Chime
The couple decided to have their wedding at Derbyshire’s Haddon Hall in 2017. The location was poetic almost, considering that it had existed for decades, just like the couple’s relationship. The pair had a beautiful wedding that ended with an incredible wedding party that lasted until the early morning of the next day. It was such a wild time that everyone somehow ended up in the pool. The night came with many happy and fun memories for both the newlyweds and their guests.

The Wedding Party
Mother’s Intuition
No one doubts the fact that Ed and Heidi had planned to get married based on the relationship they had developed between themselves. It’s also obvious that there was always happiness in their relationship. However, there was an added layer of marvel because of their previous encounter as children. The truth is that the truth may have ended up undiscovered if Kay didn’t have the intuition and the level of persistence that she demonstrated. The photos she found brought two entire families together.

Heidi And Ed Stand Together
A Happy Reunion
The story of Ed and Heidi is one about love and passion that led to an unbelievable reunion, but what took place was about more than just the couple who got married. The reunion of the two families allowed for old friends to reform their bonds, which effectively created a single happy family. Not only are the parents all best friends, but the families also routinely explore their passions together via various adventures such as vacations. It’s always good to see such a wonderful turn of events. Keep reading for another amazing love story you have to hear about.

The Happy Family
The Man Who Shaped a Mountain
This is the story of a man named Dashrath Manjhi, who proved that once you have the right motivation, anything your mind conceives is achievable. It is said that love is one of the strongest forces that exists, as it is enough to fuel the desire to achieve amazing feats. Most times, these feats are done to benefit a lover; however, sometimes tragedy strikes a lover and becomes the inspiration. Manjhi is an example of a man who spent years using his wife’s tragedy as motivation.

Dashrath Manjhi
Arranged Marriage
Manjhi was a native of Gehlaur Village, which is in Bihar. During his childhood in 1956, he was paired with a young girl in an arranged marriage. He left his village and worked for years in the coal mines of Dhanbad. Eventually, he returned to his village, where he met a village girl named Falguni Devi. Coincidentally, this was the girl that he was assigned to marry during his childhood. Luckily, his immense feeling of love towards her was reciprocated.

Manjhi Working
He Couldn’t Have Her
While the pair was in love and were ready to be together, there stood one very large obstacle in the way of their happiness. The father of the bride had to give his blessing, and he had to agree to send his daughter along with the groom. Unfortunately for Manjhi, Falguni’s father did not think him worthy enough for her. In her father’s eyes, he had not proven any ability to take care of her. Manjhi was unemployed at the time, which sparked this belief.

Manjhi Shares His Wisdom
Unbreakable Bond
The love between the pair was not swayed by the stance that Falguni’s father took on the matter. Just as Manjhi had fallen head-over-heels in love with her, she was determined to be with him. Therefore, the two set a plan in motion to be married, regardless of the lack of a paternal blessing. The plan was to elope together, and it was executed successfully. They disappeared from their initial place of residence and went to live as husband and wife.

Representation Of Eloping
New Family Members
Falguni and Manjhi lived happily in another area of Gehlaur. During their time living together, Falguni fell pregnant, and she successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The pair took care of their first son as best as possible, and by the time 1960 came around, history repeated itself. A second pregnancy occurred, and the pair prepared themselves for the arrival of their second child. However, preparation only goes so far and no more in when you live in Gehlaur.

Map Of Gehlaur
About Gehlaur
Gehlaur isn’t a technological hub by any stretch of the imagination. There’s a caste system present in the village that can only be accurately described as remote and backward. Citizens who belong to backward castes are mistreated by the village leader, who is known as a mukhiya. There is blatant corruption present, and not much can be done about it. Women are nothing but objects, and the word ‘development’ is alien. Poor villagers can be subjected to brutal beatings just for looking at the mukhiya.

A Mukhiya Gathering
The poorer residents of Gehlaur have a lot more to contend with than just not being able to look at the village leader. There are many necessities that they are not given access to just because of their financial standing. Travel is one of the biggest pain points in this regard as it’s made easier for those who are wealthier. Those who make up the lower class must use a treacherous pass and a huge mountain for their daily transit needs.

Gehlaur Mountain
A Wife of Legend
Falguni loved Manjhi with every fiber of her being, and she displayed it through her actions as much as she did through her words. After all, she did technically betray her father when she went against his wishes in the name of love. She and her husband didn’t have much; however, she did her best to look after him. Falguni didn’t mind crossing the treacherous path to bring her husband food as he worked in the fields. She couldn’t bear the thought of a hungry Manjhi.

Gehlaur Terrain
A Rough Trip
Falguni traveled to get food to Manjhi even though she was pregnant with the couple’s second child. She never stopped even as the pregnancy progressed with passing months. To deliver her husband’s food, she had to climb the dangerous mountain. Moreover, this needed to be done in the blazing sun. One day, as she made the journey to give her hungry husband sustenance, a most unbelievable occurrence took place. This was the start of a series of unexpected events for Manjhi.

A Statue Of Manjhi
The Face of Tragedy
On this fateful day, the journey took an unexpected turn for Falguni. She had made this trip numerous times before and was adept at navigation. However, none of her prior experience could prepare her for what was to come. As she was climbing, she took one wrong step, which caused her foot to slip. This caused her to take a violent tumble down the mountain. Falguni was badly injured, and she was in desperate need of medical attention for both her and the baby.

Walking On Gehlaur Mountain
The Food Never Came
As a man doing manual labor, getting the required nutrients is non-negotiable. Falguni’s trips were a big help in this regard as Manjhi’s food was always guaranteed from home. On the day Falguni fell, he was very hungry as he waited for his food and his wife. There is no telling what went on in his head as he tried to imagine what was making Falguni later than usual. He was about to get his answer, though it was not one that he wanted.

Manjhi Smiles As He Speaks
The Bad News Arrives
Manjhi thought that his wife and his food were on the way, but what he got instead was the shock of his life. Someone from his village alerted him to the tragedy that had taken place with Falguni. After hearing of his wife’s fall, Manjhi was overcome with terror. However, his sense of urgency was stronger. His hunger was now a non-factor. Priority one was getting to Falguni and ensuring that she was taken care of. With that, he rushed off to her.

Manjhi’s Village
She Needs Help!
When Manjhi arrived on the scene, words cannot describe some of the feelings that must have overtaken him upon seeing his wife. This woman who he loved so much and who was pregnant with his second child lay there bloodied and helpless. However, she was still alive. He had to be strong and summon all the willpower he had left to get her some medical help. The only problem was that he had to take her to the nearest hospital first.

Dashrath Manjhi Is Interviewed
A Fateful Journey
Though Manjhi was intent on getting Falguni to the hospital, he was still of the poor class. This meant that he had to travel with the means that were available to the poor. The nearest hospital was 70 KM away. Regardless, he knew the trip had to be made manually, and so he set off with his blood-splattered wife. He went on foot as quickly as he could, hoping that his soulmate could be saved. Though he was in a state of panic, he focused on the task at hand.

Manjhi In The Mountains
Her Arrival
Through grit and determination, Manjhi finally got his injured wife to the hospital that he set out for. Unfortunately, she had not received medical attention as early as she should’ve. This caused her to pass out during the journey. This also led to her untimely death before she could be attended to. Manjhi lost his wife, but there was one small silver lining. The doctors managed to deliver the child. Manjhi now had a daughter to look after, and his son had a little sister.

Too Late For Falguni
A Time of Sadness
It’s never easy to lose a loved one. With all that Manjhi and Falguni had been through, he had grown to love her more with each passing day. Though he was happy to welcome his baby girl into the world, he knew he had to raise her alone. There was no “mother’s touch” for her to experience, as there was no mother. He loved his wife more than anything, and losing her crushed his spirit, which brought him to the lowest point of his life.

Dasrath Manjhi Move Tie In
Channeling His Energy
Manjhi used his ordeal as a source of strength in a strange way. He cursed the mountain for what happened to his wife, as the need to travel over it made the journey much longer than if it weren’t there. So, Manjhi made a vow to the mountain. He promised to bring it down and break its ego. He decided that this mountain was not about to cause anyone else the kind of pain that he had to endure from his loss.

Manjhi Illustration
Moving the Mountain
To honor his wife’s memory and his promise to the mountain, Manjhi got a hammer and a chisel. He then set out on a mission that was all but impossible. He decided that he was going to break the mountain down and carve a path. People from his village, including his father, ridiculed him for taking on such a challenging task. Manji was firm in his decision, however. This mountain was coming down, and nothing was going to stop it.

Gehlaur Mountain Path
Sticking to the Mission
Manjhi stuck to his laborious task for many years. There were many obstacles that he faced, including a drought that drove his fellow villagers away, being scammed, being charged, etc. There was even a time when he got a few other people to help, and they were threatened by officials to leave the mountain alone. Manjhi had grown old by this point, and he felt like he had failed many times. Little did he know that he was on the brink of making a huge difference for his people.

Dashrath Manjhi Road
His Success
Dashrath Manji achieved his goal of honoring the memory of his beloved wife. It took him 22 years, but he finally managed to carve out a path for his people. He made a passage that was 30 feet high, 30 feet wide, and 360 feet long. A 55 KM journey was now a 15 KM journey. The government decided to pave the path and make it a road in 1982. Now, no one else had to suffer the way he did, as he tried to save his love.

The Completed Road